Université de Sherbrooke
L'Université de Sherbrooke offre plus de 400 programmes. Elle se distingue par des méthodes d'apprentissage pratiques, des thèmes porteurs propulsant ses unités de recherche, une stratégie forte d'innovation, de partenariat et d'entrepreneuriat, des campus verts …
International - Université de Sherbrooke
Being an exchange student International students have the opportunity to study at the Université de Sherbrooke as part of an exchange program, from one term to a full year.
Programmes et admission - Université de Sherbrooke
Guide des études 2025-2026 Découvre les domaines d'études de l'UdeS, les baccalauréats et les services offerts aux personnes étudiantes!
Study at UdeS - International - Université de Sherbrooke
Get quick answers to your questions by checking out our FAQ. You'll avoid waiting times and be directed to the sections of our website most relevant to your admission process. Learn more. UdeS : Come Experience the Difference! Located in Quebec, Canada, the Université de Sherbrooke is a French ...
Admission (steps, requirements, and costs) - International
1. Meet equivalencies and requirements. Before submitting your application, make sure that you meet the international equivalencies and admission requirements for your program and that you meet the University's language requirements.. Also check the specific admission requirements of the program you are interested in by validating the information on the Admission et …
About Université de Sherbrooke
Located in Canada, in the Province of Quebec, the Université de Sherbrooke is a French-speaking institution that offers you the opportunity to benefit from an academic education that is recognized and valued around the world. The Université de Sherbrooke is host to more than 32 250 students, and ...
Programmes et admission - Université de Sherbrooke
Menu. Accueil; Domaines d'études. Communication et marketing; Droit et politique; Génie; Gestion et sciences économiques; Lettres et langues; Musique et arts
International - Université de Sherbrooke
Menu. Accueil; Étudier à l'Université de Sherbrooke. FAQ - Réponses à vos questions; Webinaires et balados - Bienvenue au Canada! Programmes de bourses pour les étudiants internationaux
FAQ - Answers to Your Questions - Université de Sherbrooke
As part of this Waiver of Higher Tuition Program, Université de Sherbrooke has targeted seven undergraduate programs of study from which students who are admitted will be selected: . Bachelors’s programs in engineering Baccalauréat en génie biotechnologique . Baccalauréat en génie chimique . Baccalauréat en génie électrique
Admission Requirements - International - Université de Sherbrooke
Doctorate: Master's Degree or Maîtrise with a research project in an appropriate field of studies or the equivalent and three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a professor who has made a significant contribution to your education