New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
Black History Month. Learn about parks that honor Black history and culture and celebrate with us at events across NYC.
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
The Gates: An Augmented Reality Experience. Relive this landmark 2005 public art installation through a free mobile app experience.
Recreation Centers : NYC Parks
Since 1910, the Department of Parks & Recreation has provided the most affordable and extensive network of recreational services throughout New York City. Our recreation centers offer facilities such as indoor pools, weight rooms, basketball courts, and dance studios, art studios, game rooms, and ...
GreenThumb Community Gardens : NYC Parks
GreenThumb, the largest community gardening program in the nation, provides programming and material support to over 550 community gardens in New York City. Community Gardens are hubs of gardening, urban farming, community organizing, environmental justice, and are led by a diverse set of volunteers ...
Swim Programs : NYC Parks
We offer a variety of swim programs, ranging from learn to swim lessons to recreational swimming to training for swim team competitions. To find indoor pools near you, please visit our Pools page. We offer learn to swim classes for adults and kids, as well as toddlers in the fall, winter, spring ...
Pools : NYC Parks
Pools. Whether you want to cool off in the summer, or get fit in the winter, there’s nothing like taking a refreshing swim! At NYC Parks, our goal is to get you in the water year-round.
GreenThumb Main Page : NYC Parks
Explore over 550 unique green spaces in this online map where you can connect with the volunteer community garden groups. The majority of community gardens were abandoned lots transformed by volunteers into green spaces for relaxation, socializing, and …
Vital Parks for All : NYC Parks
Vital Parks for All. New York City’s parks are vital. In an era where our city is facing greater challenges than ever, ranging from the threat of extreme weather to increased park use, we need a plan that can protect and grow our city’s living infrastructure.
Employee Resources : NYC Parks
Employee Resources. We know that life as a "Parkie" doesn't always involve sitting at a desk. That's why we are pleased to offer our employees access to critical forms and information at all hours of the day, whether you're at work, at home, or enjoying a park!
Beaches : NYC Parks
Beach Statuses. Sign up for Notify NYC, visit the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s New York City Area Beaches page for water quality advisories or closures before you head to the beach, or text BEACH to 55676 to receive real-time opening, closing and water quality information.. Beach Safety. Stay safe near and in the water. Here are 10 Tips to Stay Water Safe in New York City.