  1. Copilot 答案
    通用电气GE9X是通用电气研制的大涵道比涡轮风扇发动机,用于波音777X机型上。该发动机由通用电气GE90发动机衍生而来,燃油效率将得到约10%的提升。并取代GE90成为吉尼斯世界纪录全世界推力最大的飞机发动机。 值得一提的是:有别于GEnx、劳斯莱斯遄达1000以及LEAP-1B发动机整流罩后部采用锯齿状边缘设计,GE9X则取消整流罩后部之锯齿状边缘设计。 2012年2月,通用电气宣布将为最新的波音777X-8/9研制燃油效率更高的发动机,也就是GE9X。新发动机采取了和原型号GE90-115B相同的325厘米直径风扇,计划设计总推力约为443kN,减少了约70kN。而-8X系列的发动机推力更是减少到390kN。
    单位成本US$ 4142.9万美金(2016年)

    In February 2012, GE announced studies on a more efficient derivative of the GE90, calling it the GE9X, to power both the -8 and -9 variants of the new Boeing 777X. It was to feature the same 128 in (325 cm) fan diameter as t… 展开


    The GE9X increases fuel efficiency by 10% over the GE90. Its 61:1 overall pressure ratio should help provide a 5% lower thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC) than the XWB-97 with maintenance costs comparable to th… 展开

    See also

    Related development
    General Electric GE90
    General Electric GEnx
    Comparable engines
    • … 展开

    External links