  1. Copilot 答案

    Don’t worry much about money. In the very early stages, balancing your budget is a bit tricky, but by the mid-game you’ll usually be sitting on millions in the bank without breaking a sweat. Just keep steadily adding to your population and you’ll soon find residential taxes outpace your growing expenses. 展开

    To Avoid The Death Wave, Aim For Steady, Even Residential Growth

    Make sure you don’t grow residential areas too fast, lest you trigger a death wave. You should aim for steady, even growth every time you build a new development. Add a huge influx of pe… 展开

    Love Cities: Skylines
    CIMS Go to Work and Play, But Don’T Visit Friends

    Your cims travel from home to work, or from home to leisure. They don’t travel within residential areas, say to visit friends. So you don’t need to plan public transport routes to accoun… 展开

    Love Cities: Skylines
    Make Sure Your Shops Can Get Products from Industry Or Import

    Your commercial zones need goods to sell. They get them from your industrial areas or imports from outside the city – or both. Always avoid putting residential areas between industr… 展开

    Love Cities: Skylines
    Design Your Road Network in A Hierarchy. Small Roads Feed Bigger Ones

    The best road networks are a hierarchy. Small roads feed medium roads, medium roads feed large roads, and large roads feed highways, and vice versa. Design your neighbourhoods … 展开

    Love Cities: Skylines