We're Studying How a Caterpillar Transforms into a Butterfly. Does …
It is interesting that the ancient Greek word for butterfly is psyche, meaning the very life of the soul. The caterpillar’s transformation is a symbolic picture of the miracle work of Christ in transforming a lost soul into a vibrant believer who sees the world from a very different perspective—God’s perspective.
How can I decide which Bible to buy? I don't know anything about …
The Bible was written many centuries ago in two of the major languages of the time – Hebrew (for the Old Testament) and Greek (for the New Testament). Over the centuries, the Bible has been translated into hundreds of other languages – including English. (Even in Jesus’ day, the Old Testament had already been translated into other languages.)
Recently, I heard someone claim that the Bible is full of hidden codes
No, the Bible was not written in code, nor does it contain some kind of secret messages from God in a hidden code. God’s command to the prophet Habakkuk could be applied to every book of the Bible: “Write down the revelation and make it plain” (Habakkuk 2:2).
God gave the Bible to us because He wants us to know Him and love Him and serve Him. Most of all, He gave it to us so we can become more like Christ. Make the Bible part of your life—beginning today. Reading and Understanding the Bible The Bible is God’s Word to us. It’s His message of love and forgiveness, and shows us how we can have
I've always enjoyed that old hymn about Ezekiel, and how "them …
Q: All my life I've heard that old hymn or spiritual about Ezekiel, and how "them dry bones" came together and made a whole skeleton.
What Is the Rapture? See What the Bible Says.
There are many Christians who believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ will be in two phases. First, He will come for believers, both living and dead, in the “rapture” (read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).
I think you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say.
Perhaps it is possible to “make the Bible say anything you want it to say” — if you twist its clear meaning and ignore what it really says. Take as an example the words you quoted saying “there is no God.” Yes, those four words are found in the Bible — but what the Bible really says is that only a fool would believe them.
What Is a Disciple in the Bible? - Billy Graham Evangelistic …
John the Baptist had a band of disciples around him, and so did the Pharisees (a group of religious leaders). But Jesus expanded its meaning by saying that everyone who truly believes in Him is called to be a disciple. “Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples’” (John 8:31, NIV). What is a disciple?
Armor of God Part 1: The Belt of Truth - Billy Graham Evangelistic ...
2022年6月30日 · Jesus, the Son of God, said He is the truth, and the Bible is God’s truth for humanity. So, to put on the belt of truth, start with the Bible. There are so many ways to experience it, whether you read it or listen to it, whether you prefer to hold a copy in your hands or use an app. Read the Bible on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association app.
Most of the pictures about Jesus' birth that we get on Christmas …
What the Bible does tell us, however, is that Jesus’ birth was absolutely unique — for He was born of a virgin. This had been predicted centuries before, and it became a reality when the angel announced to Mary that she would be the bearer of God’s Messiah.