Create professional slide layouts with Designer - Microsoft Support
Learn how to design professional-looking presentations with Microsoft 365. Create high quality, customized slides in a few clicks with PowerPoint Designer.
Get design ideas for slides with PowerPoint Designer
PowerPoint Designer helps you automatically create professional looking slides in seconds. Just insert one or more pictures, a list of items, or a list of dates, and select the design you want.
Design in PowerPoint - Microsoft Support
Use PowerPoint Designer. Insert one or more pictures, a list of items, or a list of dates. The Designer panel will open. Select the design you want. You can also bring up Designer by selecting a picture, and then selecting Design > Designer.
使用 PowerPoint Designer 获取幻灯片的设计思路 - Microsoft 支持
还可以通过选择图片来显示Designer,然后选择“设计 > Designer”。 启动设计器 首次使用 Designer 时,将显示一条消息,要求你获得设计灵感。
Video: Designing slides - Microsoft Support
Just like the PowerPoint desktop app, PowerPoint for the web lets you create designer slides quickly. To start, select an option: Select New blank presentation to create a presentation from scratch. Select one of the themes. Select a Recent doc. Add and format text.
Erstellen professioneller Folienlayouts mit Designer
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Microsoft 365 professionell aussehende Präsentationen entwerfen. Mit dem PowerPoint Designer erstellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks hochwertige, individuelle Folien.
Creare layout diapositiva professionali con Designer
Informazioni su come progettare presentazioni dall'aspetto professionale con Microsoft 365. Crea diapositive personalizzate di alta qualità in pochi clic con PowerPoint Designer.
使用 Designer 创建专业幻灯片版式 - Microsoft 支持
在 Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint 中,你可以随时获取设计灵感,选择功能区上的“设计 > Designer ”。 PowerPoint 展示了用于幻灯片的设计灵感。 转到窗口最右侧的“Designer”窗格,并浏览设计思路。 选择所需的设计,幻灯片将相应地更改。
PowerPoint help & learning - support.microsoft.com
Copilot in Powerpoint helps you generate outlines, design slides, and organize content for the perfect story. Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint. Rewrite your text. Summarize your presentation. Get AI-powered features in Microsoft 365. Buy now
Get design ideas for slides - Microsoft Support
Designer helps you automatically create professional looking slides in seconds. Just insert one or more pictures, a list of items, or a list of dates, and select the design you want.