basement walls turning pink (floor, foundation, drains, color)
2012年11月2日 · I was in the basement tonight and noticed that the lower half of the walls are turning pink in areas. It's a sandstone foundation with some sort of basement walls turning pink (floor, foundation, drains, color) - House -remodeling, decorating, construction, energy use, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, building, rooms - City-Data Forum
Building a basement in an area w/a high water table
2001年11月30日 · The best exterior treatment for basement walls is bentonite clay ( cheap, non-toxic, long-lasting, and water impermeable), which you can buy in bags from any well driller. You mix it into an oatmeal consistency, trowel it on, then cover it with plastic so it stays moist and doesn’t flake off before you backfill.
Help me choose boards for basement storage - Straight Dope
2014年10月15日 · I have a bunch of stuff in cardboard boxes [banker’s boxes] that I want to store in a basement whose floor might get wet during winter. To avoid floor contact, I want to elevate the boxes a few inches off the floor. Looks like the best solution is to set the boxes on parallel boards [easier+cheaper than pallets]. I naively thought this was a simple choice–just grab a …
How do I run a water line through my basement wall?
2012年8月6日 · We live in central Ohio. I just built a barn. It is located about 300 feet from the house. I’d like to run a water line to the barn from the house. The idea is to drill a hole through the concrete wall in our basement (4 feet below the surface) and run the water pipe through the hole. I would then rent a trencher and dig a 4 foot deep trench to the barn. Because of the distance, I …
What Constitutes a Finished/Unfinished Basement in Brookhaven?
2015年2月10日 · The large issue, however, is that they said our basement was finished, and as such, needed an egress window. Our basement is split in half. One half is most definitely unfinished, containing our washer, dryer, and boiler. It has a concrete floor and walls, except for one wall which contains load bearing beams for the upper floor.
Finished Basement in Brookhaven (New York, York: house, …
2008年9月19日 · E.No basement space shall be used as a habitable room or dwelling unit unless, in addition to the other provisions of this chapter and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code: (1)The floors and walls are impervious to leakage of underground and surface runoff water and insulated dampness; and (2)The minimum aggregate glass ...
Is the furnace in Home Alone based on a real furnace model?
2022年12月30日 · In Home Alone, a minor plot point involves Kevin overcoming his phobia of a fearsome-looking furnace in the basement of McCallister family home: The furnace resembles an old-style coal-fired gravity furnace in that it has a front grate and cluster of ducts coming out the top. The movie furnace doesn’t seem to contain coal, but rather has something resembling a …
Grasshoppers in my basement? - Factual Questions - Straight Dope
2006年10月12日 · grasshopper-looking bugs in the basement are usually identified to be Cave Crickets/Camel Crickets. Apparently they can be controlled by the introduction of House Centipedes, but for some reason many people do not find this a desirable solution. That is what we have, a shop vacuum and a strong flashlight is the best method of hunting them.
Are houses still built with basement incinerators?
2003年3月16日 · The house I grew up in had an incinerator in the basement, as did many of the houses in my neighborhood. This was in Ohio and most of the houses in my neighborhood were built in the 1920s. Since then, I’ve never encountered any homes with basement incinerators. I’m not even sure if they are installed in new homes. Does anyone know anything about this? Are …
In Nelly's 'Hot In Herre" - Cafe Society - Straight Dope
2009年10月14日 · I have heard it as “fold” in the basement, but I think it’s a HOLE in the basement. If so, I think it’s a Silence of the Lambs reference, but “Buffalo Bill” wouldn’t fit into the “lyrical rappery”. On the other hand, if it is fold, it might be a folding bed…she IS taking off her clothes, right? BTW: “Lyrical rappery” is ...