4 GET THE FACTS * All words that appear in blue Italics are explained in the glossary. What is Erectile Dysfunction or ED? Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem men …
• Intraurethral therapy. Patients place a tiny medicated pellet of the drug alprostadil into their urethra. (The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the body).
When Nerve Damage Causes Bladder Problems: Neurogenic Bladder
Until a few short years ago, Rob, who is in his 80s, had been relatively free of health problems. He was an active guy, skiing and hiking in his beloved Washington State mountains. Then what …
2 Table of Contents Tammy's Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Introduction Chair ...
Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis) - Urology Care Foundation
Symptoms or signs may include: Chills and high fever; Frequent, painful urination; Back, side (under the ribs), and groin pain; Nausea and vomiting; Very young children (younger than two …
Spermatoceles: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment - Urology Care …
Spermatoceles are also known as spermatic cysts. They are fluid-filled masses, often painless, and they grow near the testicles on the epididymis (tube that stores sperm). They tend to be …
Varicoceles: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment - Urology Care …
A varicocele is when veins become enlarged inside your scrotum (the pouch of skin that holds your testicles). These veins are called the pampiniform plexus. Ten to 15 of every 100 males …
Nocturia: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment - Urology Care …
Nocturia is when you wake up more than one time each night to go to the bathroom. Some causes of Nocturia are polyuria, nocturnal polyuria, bladder storage problems, and mixed …
3 Becca's Story Becca is one of the millions of people in the United States who lives with overactive bladder (OAB) . Before she was treated, she remembers needing to use the …
What You Should Know Fact Sheet - Urology Care Foundation
As a person ages, sacs filled with fluid, called cysts, can form in the kidneys. This fact sheet outlines what you should know about kidney cysts.