Philosophy Now | a magazine of ideas
Welcome to Philosophy Now. the bi-monthly magazine for everyone interested in ideas. Published since 1991, it was the winner of the 2016 Bertrand Russell Society Award.
What is a Person? | Issue 149 | Philosophy Now
The question of what a person is, isn’t exclusive to philosophy. Consequently, there are many answers. In a physiological and biological context, a person is a human with certain essential physiological and biological characteristics.
Kant’s Theory of Human Dignity | Issue 150 | Philosophy Now
Immanuel Kant Kant’s Theory of Human Dignity Matt McManus explains why people have absolute worth. “What is related to general human inclinations and needs has a market price; that which, even without presupposing such a need, conforms with a certain taste has a fancy price; but that which constitutes the condition under which alone something can be an end in itself …
Philosophers Exploring The Good Life | Issue 162 | Philosophy Now
The Search for Meaning Philosophers Exploring The Good Life Jim Mepham quests with philosophers to discover what makes a life good.. I have attended a number of funerals recently and it has got me thinking. Imagine after you’ve died, your loved ones are sitting around, reminiscing about your life.
Issues - Philosophy Now
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What Is The Nature Of Reality? | Issue 61 | Philosophy Now
Definition 1. A reality consists of the interactions of a particular thing with what ‘becomes’ for that thing.. Definition 2. Reality (with a capital R) consists of all realities.. Definition 3. The nature of a reality, or of Reality, is a description or explanation of that reality, or of Reality.
What Makes A Philosopher? | Issue 128 | Philosophy Now
Knowing Nothing. Some definitions or approaches to philosophy and philosophers aren’t entirely persuasive. Bikrama Bahuguna argues that “if philosophy is search of truth, a philosopher is one who is perpetually busy with the search of truth” (Layman’s Introduction to Philosophy and Life, 2009, p.123).Linking philosophy and truth is a common approach; but I believe that philosophy …
What Is Free Will? | Issue 159 | Philosophy Now
An attempt to define ‘free will’ might reasonably start by defining ‘freedom’. I will use the definition that freedom is the capacity to explore possibilities. This isn’t the only good definition of freedom, but it works well with the rest of what I’m going to say. By this definition ...
John Locke & Personal Identity | Issue 157 | Philosophy Now
Nurana Rajabova considers why, according to John Locke, you continue to be you. Does the self reside in the soul, in the body, or in some combination of both? It’s a question philosophers have long debated. However, one philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704), argued that the self resides in …
An Essay on Nothing | Issue 136 | Philosophy Now
Articles An Essay on Nothing Sophia Gottfried meditates on the emptiness of non-existence.. In philosophy there is a lot of emphasis on what exists. We call this ontology, which means, the study of being.What is less often examined is what does not exist.. It is understandable that we focus on what exists, as its effects are perhaps more visible.