Welcome to the Committee on Elections | California State Assembly
Committee Jurisdiction: Primary jurisdictions are elections, campaign finance, the California Political Reform Act, and redistricting procedures. The Assembly Committee on Elections is located in the Legislative Office Building, 1020 N Street, Room 365 and the phone number is (916) 319-2094.
Members | California State Assembly
Contact Assembly Member Gail Pellerin Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 6310 Sacramento, CA 95814. P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0028; (916) 319-2028. Bill Essayli (Vice Chair) Rep - 63: Contact Assembly Member Bill Essayli Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 4520 Sacramento, CA 95814. P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0063 ...
Hearings | California State Assembly
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2024年4月24日 · ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS Gail Pellerin, Chair AB 3184 (Berman) – As Introduced February 16, 2024 SUBJECT: Secretary of State: reports of ballot rejections. SUMMARY: Deletes a provision of existing …
in the primary election without the need for a general election, can transfer campaign funds raised for the general election to a committee for a subsequent election.
Committee Staff | California State Assembly
Assembly Elections Committee Legislative Office Building 1020 N Street, Room 365 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 319-2094 - phone
This booklet summarizes selected legislation approved by the Assembly Elections Committee during the 2024 legislative year. Measures that were approved by both houses of the Legislature are included. Legislation that did not receive final legislative approval is not.
Assembly District 44 | California State Assembly
2020 COVID-19 Elections Information; 2001 Redistricting Information; WAS User Menu. Breadcrumb. Home; Assembly District 44; Assembly District 44. SEPTEMBER 13, 2001. SMALL MAP OF AD 44 LARGE MAP OF AD 44 VERY LARGE MAP OF AD 44 . POPULATION COUNT PCT% 1991 DIFF; TOTAL: 423,393: 100.00%: 0.00%: HISPANIC: 125,552:
2024年6月26日 · Angeles County elections official later concluded that the proponents were 46,000 signatures short of those needed for the recall petition to qualify for the November 2022 general election ballot because 195,783 signatures were rejected.
This booklet summarizes selected legislation approved by the Assembly Committee on Elections during the 2021 legislative year. Those bills that made it through the legislative process and were subsequently signed or vetoed by the Governor are included. Those bills that failed to reach the Governor's desk are not.