If you’re into the more savory side of life, you’ll love Archie McPhee’s collection of weird candy canes. With ten flavors to choose from, you can enjoy the salty seasonings of unique offerings that include ham, ketchup, clam and pizza.
了解详细信息:If you’re into the more savory side of life, you’ll love Archie McPhee’s collection of weird candy canes. With ten flavors to choose from, you can enjoy the salty seasonings of unique offerings that include ham, ketchup, clam and pizza.
tinybeans.com/weird-candy-cane-flavors/But still, the question had to be answered—and someone had to step up to the plate—which of these candy canes deserve to be flavors, and which should have their inventors tried for war crimes...
slate.com/human-interest/2022/12/ranking-gross-c…Now that there are even more similarly-offending flavors out there, we're left with no choice: It's time to rank the absolute worst candy cane flavors, starting with what we could tolerate all the way up to flavors we'd rather not know even exist.
www.thetravel.com/grossest-candy-cane-flavors-ra…So, to prevent the innocent masses from subjecting themselves to an inferior candy cane experience, we've tracked down 40 different flavors (from peppermint to Dr. Pepper), to see which ones...
www.masslive.com/food/2017/12/40_candy_canes…Some of them are relatively benign, like chocolate mint, Skittles, and Froot Loops. But then there's the hidden underbelly of the candy cane world that totes flavors that are more akin to Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Except when you open the candy cane packaging, you know exactly what you're getting into.
www.mashed.com/1129682/25-questionable-cand…All the Disgusting Candy Cane Flavors You Can Buy This Year
Gross candy cane flavors: A ranking. - Slate Magazine
- Caesar Salad. I had forgotten how impossible these things are to open. I …
- Sour Cream and Onion. Unlike the Caesar salad ones, these have a strong …
- Bacon. A snack and teeth brushing later, there is still a funk of sour cream …
- Butter. I have high hopes for butter. The popcorn flavored Jelly Belly is my …
- Sardine. I’m staring at the sardine flavor box trying to figure out if it’s too late …
Ranked, Holiday Edition: The Absolute Worst Candy Cane Flavors …
- Devouring one of these is almost like eating an entire tube of cinnamon toothpaste while standing over a charcoal grill and inhaling the smoke that comes out of it. While they're intended to be a whimsical play on received coal for Christmas, the smoky cinnamon flavor of this candy is just too much, with spice and smoke flavor that would have many ...
- 职业: Managing Editor
- 发布日期: 2020年12月16日
- 预计阅读时间:5 分钟
40 candy canes, from peppermint to Dr Pepper, ranked worst
- 预计阅读时间:6 分钟
- Tutti Frutti Jelly Belly Candy Canes. Tutti Frutti is a cool jelly bean, but an even better candy …
- A&W Root Beer Candy Canes. This tastes like a root beer barrel, only in cane form. This is …
- Lemon Starburst Candy Canes. I did not expect to like this candy cane as much as I did. …
- Dr Pepper Candy Canes. I'm not sure what kind of warlock magic they used to make this …
- Brach's Blueberry Candy Canes. Don't Edit. These candy canes hit that perfect balance of …
Questionable Candy Cane Flavors Nobody Asked For - Mashed
- Coffee. This is most likely one candy cane flavor on this list that you should worry least …
- Bah, Humbug. Ah, yes. This is the candy cane for people who absolutely despise the …
- Krampus. When it comes to holiday archetypes, we all know about Santa Claus, aka Saint …
- Coal. Coal is what Santa is supposed to give you if you've been a bad kid. Though we …
- Shiitake mushrooms. Umami, the fifth "flavor" (it's not actually a flavor, by the way), is …
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Not A Chance You Would Eat These, The 5 Worst …
2020年12月3日 · After reading Joe Kelly's article about clam flavored candy canes, I looked up the top worst candy cane flavors... THIS IS WHAT I FOUND. Candy canes will forever be a symbol of Christmas.
I ate the 6 craziest candy cane flavors I could find so …
2022年12月15日 · Candy canes were already hard-to-eat hooks of disappointment when they tasted like peppermint. For some reason, the holiday season’s worst candy is now available in a wide assortment of ...
13 Archie McPhee Candy Cane Flavors, Ranked - TODAY
2022年11月30日 · I tried 13 Archie McPhee candy cane flavors: Bacon, Mac and Cheese, Butter, Brisket, Hot Dog, Kale, Pho, Shiitake Mushroom, Caesar Salad, Ketchup, Pickle, Sour Cream and Chive, and Sardine.
worst candy cane flavors | Amazon® Official Site
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