Bengal monitor - Wikipedia
The Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis), also called the Indian monitor, is a species of monitor lizard distributed widely in the Indian subcontinent, as well as parts of Southeast Asia and West Asia....
ADW: Varanus bengalensis: INFORMATION
Bengal monitors or common Indian monitors (Varanus bengalensis) occur across much of southern Asia. Compared to other varanid lizards, Bengal monitors have a much larger geographic range, where they are considered less restricted both geographically and environmentally.
Bengal Monitor - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis) is a large terrestrial monitor lizard. Young monitors, however, may be more arboreal, but adults mainly hunt on the ground. Although large Bengal monitors have few predators apart from humans who hunt them for meat, younger individuals are hunted by many predators.
Varanus bengalensis - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2022年7月16日 · Explore the information available for this taxon's timeline. You can select an event on the timeline to view more information, or cycle through the content available in the carousel below.
Bengal Monitor (Varanus bengalensis) - iNaturalist
The Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis) or common Indian monitor, is a monitor lizard found widely distributed over the Indian Subcontinent, as well as parts of Southeast Asia and West Asia. This large lizard is mainly terrestrial, and its length can range from about 61 to 175 cm from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.
Varanus bengalensis – IUCN SSC MONITOR LIZARD
Varanus bengalensis. Bengal monitor DISTRIBUTION: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (see Auliya & Koch 2020). RED LIST STATUS: Near ...
Varanus bengalensis – IUCN SSC MONITOR LIZARD
Varanus bengalensis. Bengal monitor DISTRIBUTION: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (also see Auliya & Koch 2020) RED LIST STATUS: Near Threatened (NT) in 2018. CITES: Appendix I. NATIONAL PROTECTION: India. – Listed in Schedule 1, Part II of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of India, 1972 ...
Bengal Monitor (Varanus bengalensis) | Wildlife Vagabond
The Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis) is a large lizard native to South Asia, including countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. It has a robust body with...
Bengal Monitor Lizard - Encyclopedia of Life
Varanus bengalensis (Bengal Monitor Lizard) is a species of Squamata in the family monitor lizards. They are listed in cites appendix i. They are native to Asia. They are solitary, diurnal carnivores. They have sexual reproduction. Reproduction is oviparous. They have parental care (female provides care).
Bengal monitor (Indian monitor) (Varanus bengalensis
Varanus bengalensis The Bengal monitor or common Indian monitor, is a monitor lizard found widely distributed over South Asia. This large lizard is mainly terrestrial, and grows to about 175 cm from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.