Title IX Process Flowchart (continued) The Hearing Officer will prepare a written determination (“Hearing Panel Decision”) and deliver it to the Title IX Coordinator within five (5) business days of the end of
Process Flowchart for Title IX Policy
IP provides full statement and signs formal and process complaint and/or TIXC signs formal complaint requesting resolution through a formal investigation; Behavior reported meets the TIX definition of sexual harassment; Appropriate measures to minimize contact between parties may be provided by the University
Title IX Coordinator The following steps are taken immediately: ‐ Offers immediate assistance to complainant to include emergency room care, hospital care, crisis center, counseling, etc.-Offer supportive measures, explain how to file a formal complaint, and explain grievance process.
This flowchart shows generally how the Title IX process works. Each individual case is different, however. For full details of the process, please review the procedures. Does Complainant want to move forward? Initial Assessment: Could reported conduct be a policy violation? Do both parties want informal resolution? Informal resolution attempted.
Title IX Coordinator invites Respondent to meet and review process and resources. Title IX Office conducts an Intake Meeting with the Complainant to gather more info, go over next steps, and explain the Supportive Measures available. If the Complainant decides to file a formal complaint, the complaint is signed and the following process begins ...
process and resources Parties may have support person and/or advocate throughout process Informal Resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing TIX office receives information TIX office contacts IP to share information on resources, reporting options, and process . TIX = Title IX TIXC = Title IX Coordinator
Either party can terminate the informal resolution process and begin an investigative resolution process. A party can also request informal resolution during an investigative resolution process. The informal resolution process is not an option if an employee (faculty or sta ) is accused of Title IX sexual harassment against a student.
This document provides an overview of the Title IX Formal Resolution Process. For specific procedures, see the current Title IX Complaint Resolution Process Handbook for Collin College Students and Employees available at www.collin.edu/titleix.
TITLE IX PROCESS Informal report No formal complaint Closed Formal complaint Notice of Outreach to allegations Complainant by Title IX Staff Complainant intake meeting to discuss process and supportive measures Agreed solution Formal Process ... Visit uwf.edu/titleix for more information. Title: Title IX Process Flow Chart Created Date: 8/9 ...
Title IX Process . Title IX incident report is received Report is reviewed by the Title IX Case Manager If not Title IX, Case Manager refers case to appropriate office If not a potential violation of the Code of Student Conduct, Case Manager will reach out to student to provide Case Manager reaches out to resources and then the case is closed