Whincorp, Michael --- "Three Positive Theories of International ...
1993年10月19日 · Call this the chicken effect. The second effect — I refrain from calling it the egg effect — lies in the unilateral incentives of states to formulate, before any case comes to be decided, jurisdictional rules which are excessively wide in order to favour locals.
Ogle, Greg --- "Beating a SLAPP Suit" [2007] AltLawJl 13; (2007) …
By its own admission, persons associated with Animal Liberation SA had entered private property in the middle of the night and aggravated the trespass by taking a video of rows of crowded chicken cages and publishing it to the media.
Sydney Law Review - Australasian Legal Information Institute
In the Texas Bank Case, Lord Denning MR justified holding the parties to the convention they had adopted on the basis that it would be ‘inequitable’ to insist on the strict legal position ‘having regard to dealings which have taken place between the parties’.
Handley, K R --- "Unconscionability in estoppel: Triable issue or ...
In Texas Bank, after a lengthy review of cases on both forms of proprietary estoppel, promissory estoppel, and estoppel by representation he said, ‘the basis of all these groups of cases appears to be the same – that it would ... be unconscionable in all the circumstances for the encourager or representor not to give effect to his ...
Baker, Jodie --- "Causation laws should recognise loss of …
In Tabet v Gett, the six-year-old plaintiff presented with nausea, vomiting and a chicken pox rash. Different diagnoses were made.
with a simple constitutional question: whether a Texas criminal abortion statute was constitutional, not whether abortion was moral. * LLB student, Murdoch University. This essay was selected for publication as a highly distinguished essay that was written for assessment as part of the Legal Theory unit at Murdoch University.
Melbourne University Law Review - Australasian Legal …
Perhaps surprisingly, the current constitutions of Arkansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas all contain religious tests. However, the result of a Supreme Court decision in 1961 means that those tests are unconstitutional as they violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United ...
Legal Education Review - Australasian Legal Information Institute
The Student Experience: The Fox and the Chicken Coop. Students are hungry for information about their future careers. The regular curriculum, however, offers them almost nothing to satisfy this hunger. As a result, students typically learn about potential careers from three sources: legal recruiters, the legal press, and each other.
Vuong, Elizabeth --- "Anti-Suit Injunctions - A Development of ...
Schimek, M D, “Anti-Suit and Anti-Anti-Suit Injunctions: A Proposed Texas Approach” (1993) 45 Baylor L Rev 499 at 518. Edinger, E R, “Recent Developments in the English Law of Conflicts: The Spiliada and Aerospatiale” (1989) 23 U Brit Columbia L Rev 373 at 400–1. Above n5 at 564–565. Above n6 at 899. Id at 895.
Liquor retailing, for off-premises consumption : alcoholic beverages : beer-making and soft drink-making supplies