Superman Emblem | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak Game …
2020年11月6日 · Player: That's fine. Could we get a different Superman Emblem? Devs: Sure. Here's the 80th Anniversary Superman Emblem. Player: And could we get a different Batman Emblem? Devs: Sure. Here's the 75th Anniversary Batman Emblem. Are you seeing a pattern? Don't ask them to re-release stuff that they said was exclusive or discontinued. They won't.
The Superman Logo Emblem | DC Universe Online Forums
2015年8月29日 · There needs to be a Superman Logo Emblem that you can buy for your style. The standard tights looks better than that House of El Battle suit. ShazamFan2014 , Aug 29, 2015
Superman Emblem? | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak …
2021年4月30日 · “ Still wondering if there's any kind of Superman emblem in the game; or if adding the New 52 Superman Emblem would be possible. =(” There was a Superman Emblem offered during his 80th Anniversary but it was a limited time reward.
Superman Anniversary 2023 | DC Universe Online Forums
2023年4月18日 · I am a long time player from when the game was first released, so have both the 2018 classic logo and the 2013 BvS logo on my account . This post iis for the dev's to speak up for the newer player community and is just a request / question relating to any 85th anniversay gifts and speaking for the player community post the 2013 BvS dropbox and ...
Bizarro and Kingdom Superman Emblem | DC Universe Online …
2021年1月31日 · I'm totally in favour of the idea of the Bizarro emblem, I find it strange to see emblems that are sometimes uninteresting, when those that form the basis of DC's most important characters are not yet there, such as Bizarro, and in view of the "bunch" of character emblems, I don't believe in a legal story at all, not since the emblems of Batman and …
Superman Emblem? | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak …
2013年5月1日 · But, the armor doesn't look at all like classic Superman. I think just a plain logo that can be put on any chest piece is what the OP was looking for. Poo , Nov 27, 2013
Superman suit. | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak Game …
2013年5月10日 · Also, I try to keep it to one Superman "S" on the outfits. Seems like overload to use the chestpiece, cape AND belt with the Superman logo all at the same time. willflynne , May 10, 2013
Summer of Superman 2025??? | DC Universe Online Forums
2025年1月22日 · Amazing initiative that this year is the Summer of Superman! On the occasion of the release of the movie Superman directed by James Gunn. And it is also an honor that a Spaniard like me, Jorge Jiménez, will be in charge of drawing him …
Supergirl / Superman emblem | DC Universe Online Forums
2023年1月5日 · - Superman Emblem (BvS) - Worn Superman Emblem (BvS) - Superman 80th Anniversary Emblem - House of Xos - House of Ah - Subject 1 Some would even count the Subject 0 Emblem considering its incredibly close to either Kingdom Come or the Batman Beyond Supermans Emblem, but I've left this 7th one out. Just an FYI, there is no House of Xos or …
Superman Rebirth TC | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak …
2017年11月5日 · With the fact the last time capsule had the Batman Rebirth emblem and the high demand for the House of El logo in the game (plus with JL movie coming out next week and so far no movie content in the game) it would only make sense for this. My suspicion would be a Crime Syndicate Time Capsule with the Superman logo being the rare emblem style.