55 Hilarious Long Jokes with Stories to Tell - Laugh Lore
Welcome to the world of long jokes, where humor and storytelling intertwine to bring laughter to our lives. In this collection of anecdotes, we’ll explore the realms of talking parrots, psychic dogs, lost tourists, smart salesmen, and many other amusing characters.
Story Jokes - 125 Hilarious Story Jokes
Not a joke, just a story with a reminder to be careful when telling jokes... I heard a joke a few weeks ago that went, "What do you do when an epileptic is having a fit in the bath? Throw your washing in."
74 Funny Story Jokes That Earn Their Laughs - Bored Panda
2023年11月28日 · Get your laughter on with our compiled list of funny story jokes. Learn the secrets behind icing such jokes with ease and hilarity.
19 Hilarious Jokes With Long Setups - Ranker
2019年8月6日 · Vote on your favorite funny long jokes! So there was this man in Bulgaria who drove trains for a living. He loved his job. Driving a train had been his dream ever since he was a child. He loved to make the train go as fast as possible. Unfortunately, one day he was a little too reckless and caused a crash. He made it out, but a single person died.
15 Hilarious Jokes And Funny Short Stories - The Funny Beaver
Need some inspirations for short stories to capture an audience? Check out these 15 hilarious Jokes and Funny Short Stories!
Funny Stories - Great Clean Jokes
Enjoy our collection of funny stories, after all that’s what they are here for! Sister Marry was truly a religious woman. Besides for her duties as a nun, she was also very active in various hospitals visiting sick patients and taking care of all their needs.
45+ Long Jokes With Endless Twists And Turns - Kidadl
2020年12月14日 · Looking for hilarious long jokes that can entertain anyone out of boredom? Click here to check out some lengthy, story-type jokes you can enjoy.
101 Funny short story jokes to make you Smile - Humor Academy
Laughter is the universal language, and we’ve got 101 hilarious short story jokes to speak directly to your funny bone! Whether you’re looking for a quick chuckle, a witty punchline, or a story so funny you’ll want to share it immediately, this collection has it all.
Long Story Jokes - 50 Hilarious Long Story Jokes
Long story short, we're not allowed to have any more parties at the nuclear plant. I was on a date last night, as I sat at my table, forking my food awaiting my date to arrive, I realized they had stood me up, and I had to foot the bill.
Funny Story Jokes - 44 Hilarious Funny Story Jokes
Second Guy: Funny story, I meant to ask the woman at the counter for 2 tickets to Pittsburgh, but a slip of the tongue and I said 2 pickets to tittsburgh and she socked me one! How about you? First Guy: Same thing, ...