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2019年11月6日 · The 2019 ATS/ERS Spirometry Standards were recently released. The standards are open-access and can be downloaded without charge from the October 15th issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Plethysmography – Page 2 – PFTBlog
2013年1月19日 · A report with some odd lung volume results came across my desk and I’ve spent some time trying to figure out what the numbers are telling me about test quality. What concerned me was the 15% discrepancy between the VA from the DLCO and the TLC measured by plethysmography.
Cough - PFTBlog
2017年2月15日 · The test systems I am familiar with are pretty much limited to being able to determine back-extrapolation and whether end-expiratory flow rates meet ATS-ERS end-of-test criteria. So far they have not attempted to assess spirometry efforts for the cough or glottal closure that are also part of the ATS-ERS criteria for test quality.
Observations, Opinions and Ideas about Pulmonary Function Testing
2019年6月8日 · Almost all pulmonary function test systems seem to come with a module that can perform a computerized interpretation of PFT results. Their accuracy has been studied occasionally, often by the developers of a particular algorithm and …
Brett on 2019 ATS/ERS Spirometry Standards; Rob on CPET Test Interpretation, Part 4: Interpretation and Summary; Andrey on CPET Test Interpretation, Part 3: Circulation; Richard Johnston on CPET Test Interpretation, Part 3: Circulation; Andrey on CPET Test Interpretation, Part 3: Circulation; Tom Mayer on 2019 ATS/ERS Spirometry Standards
Spirometer, Eckert’s, 1860 | PFT History
2013年9月7日 · US Patent 26754 by Augustus Eckert of Dayton, Ohio. 1860. A non counter-weighted water-seal spirometer. Two of the patentable features were a guide rod (B) to keep the inner bell straight and an …
FEV0.75 – PFTBlog
Although normal values for the FEV 0.5 were included in the reference equations from the 1961 VA-Army and Kunudson’s 1976 spirometry study this measurement has rarely been used in adults but has instead found extensive use when measuring and reporting spirometry in …
Spirometer, Fukuda Sangyo Spiro Analyzer Box Type CBS-500, 1984
2014年6月21日 · “An 8-liter rolling seal type spirometer is used. Test results are displayed on an LED display, while the respiratory waveforms are displayed on a 9-inch green monitor. Records are printed by an electrosensitive printer. A special table is available on request.”
Plethysmography – PFTBlog
2019年6月17日 · Testing software usually corrects for the difference in TGV and FRC by determining the end-exhalation baseline that is present during the tidal breathing at the beginning of the test. Using this value the software can determine where the TGV was measured relative to the tidal breathing FRC and then either subtracts or adds a correction factor ...
Fukuda Sangyo FUDAC-30 Pulmonary Testing System, 1984
2014年6月21日 · Each system contains a 10-inch color CRT, and both test results and respiratory waveforms are displayed on the CRT screen. Records are printed by a silent thermal printer. This model comes in three types. System-1 is the basic type and covers VC, FVC, F-V, MVV and MV tests. System-2 covers FRC test in addition to those of the basic type.