Snowball Venture Studio
Snowball is a Venture Studio on the Avalanche blockchain that provides community-run services and products such as auto-compounding, stable-swaps, liquid staking and more.
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
Compound & Earn. Pending to harvest. SNOB $. NaN USD Wallet balance. 0.00 SNOB $ NaN. 0.00 xSNOB. Add SNOB to Metamask
Introduction | Snowball Docs
Snowball is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Avalanche blockchain. It was launched in early March, 2021 and was the first auto-compounder and stable-asset exchange on the network. Since March, Snowball has grown to be …
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
Snowball combines multiple DeFi protocols to create an interconnected experience.
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
s3D Vault. USDT + BUSD + DAI. My Share. StableVault stake information. 0.00 s3D
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
s4D Vault. DAI.e + FRAX + TUSD + USDT.e. My Share. StableVault stake information. 0.00 s4D
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
To vote, members must stake their SNOB for xSNOB. Read about proposal details in the Snowball Discord. More info
Snowball - DeFi on Avalanche
s3F Vault. FRAX + TUSD + USDT. My Share. StableVault stake information. 0.00 s3F
Roadmap | Snowball Docs
No-Loss Lottery - The Snowball DAO plans to launch our very own native no-loss lottery on Avalanche. Cross-Chain Strategies - By utilizing Avalanche's unique position as a hub to bridge from and to other chains, we plan on bringing opportunities …
Project Application - Snowball Venture Studio
Partner with Snowball Venture Studio! Submit your project for incubation from Snowball Venture Studio. If your project is of interest to our community, it will be submitted to governance through a proposal.