Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens): Ultimate Care Guide
2023年11月24日 · Rummy nose rasboras are a shoaling species of fish which means they live in large groups of similar fish for social reasons. They live near dense, submerged plants and other herby plants and feed on small invertebrates, zooplankton, or plants.
Rummy Nose Rasbora - Sawbwa resplendens Fish Profile
An in-depth guide to the care, breeding, & habitat of the Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens). complete with high-quality images for this beautiful Fish.
Rasbora - Rummynose Rasbora - Arizona Aquatic Gardens
Perfect for Nano aquariums! The Rummynose Rasbora is best kept in a densely planted tank! Floating plants like Wisteria, Frogbit to blovk the light entering the tank also seems to be appreciated and adds a more natural feel. Filtration does not need to be particularly strong as these fish will appreciate a slower water.
Rummynose Rasbora Care Guide | Cyprinids (includes Goldfish) …
2009年5月9日 · Common names: Rummynose rasbora, Asian rummynose, Sawbwa barb, Naked micro rasbora. Origin: Endemic to Lake Inle, in Burma. Gender: Males have a blue and red body, females are all silver. Females aren’t always imported, as they are not as colorful as males.
Asian Rummynose-Sawbwa resplendens - Fishkeeper
Males with red-orange noses and caudal fin tips. This beautiful small shimmering bluish-silver Asian Rummynose is an excellent choice for those community aquariums with moderate to …
The Rasbora Everyone Needs! Rummy Nose Rasbora Care and …
2023年2月5日 · Hellow Everyone, The Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendins) goes by many names - Asian Rummy Nose, Micro Rasbora, Sawbwa Rasbora and more. No matter the name this is a great fish! If you...
Top 10 Rasboras for Your Next Community Aquarium
Rummy nose rasboras love to cluster together with a bigger group of their own kind, and you may see some sparring behavior among the males. Provide them a home with 10 gallons or more, alkaline pH from 7–8, harder water, and slightly cooler waters from 68–77°F (20–25°C).
Asian Rummynose, Rummy Nose Rasbora, Sawbwa Barb, …
2024年1月5日 · The Asian Rummynose, also known as the Rummy Nose Rasbora, Sawbwa Barb, or Sawbwa Resplendens, is a captivating fish species that has intrigued aquarists for years. With its striking appearance and unique genetic makeup, this …
27 Different Types Of Rasbora (& How To Care For Them)
2023年6月20日 · Rummy Nose Rasboras thrive with a balanced and diverse diet. Start with high-quality flakes or pellets designed for tropical fish as their main meal. Then, sprinkle in some protein-rich treats like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to …
Rummynose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens) - Aqua Imports
Rummynose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens) Origin: Aquacultured Asia Diet: Omnivore and micropredator. Will readily accept most frozen and prepared foods in the aquarium Adult Size: 1.25″ Recommended Tank Size: 10 Gallons+ Compatibility: Peaceful, an excellent community fish. Preferred Water Parameters