Tales of Detailed Poly(A) Tails - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The poly(A) tail was beginning to reveal itself as a key player in post-transcriptional regulation, much more than just an afterthought on a messenger RNA (mRNA). The creation of a poly(A) …
NanoBaseLib - GitHub Pages
Tailfindr is an R tool that estimates poly(A) tail length from individual reads directly from ONT FAST5 raw data. tailfindr is able to estimate poly(A) tails from both RNA and DNA reads, …
Roles of mRNA poly (A) tails in regulation of eukaryotic gene ...
The poly(A) tail contributes to both the translational status and stability of mRNAs, and it functions as a master regulator of gene expression in the cytoplasm . Specifically, it can act …
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able to profile the poly(A) tail of IVT Cas9 mRNA samples with single nucleoside resolution, with a tail length ranging from 117 to 132 and a medium length around 124-125.
Protocol Protocol for analyzing intact mRNA poly (A) tail length …
2023年6月16日 · Here, we present a protocol for analyzing intact mRNA poly(A) tail length using nanopore direct RNA sequencing, which excludes truncated RNAs from the measurement. We …
2024年3月14日 · The poly(A) tail is an essential part of messenger RNA (mRNA). For mRNA-based therapeutics and vaccines, the length of the poly(A) tail is a critical quality attribute (QA) …
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Comprehensive Analysis of Poly(A) Tail Length Sequencing Methods
FLAM-Seq (Full-Length mRNA Sequencing with Poly(A) Tail Measurement) is a cutting-edge technique designed for comprehensive analysis of mRNA transcripts and their poly(A) tails. …
A user-friendly R package for measuring poly(A) tail …
PolyAtailor is a user-friendly R package for measuring poly(A) tail length from NGS-based short-read and PacBio-based long-read sequencing data. Core functions of Tail_map and Tail_scan provided in PolyAtailor can profile tails …
Figure 1. Poly(A) addition and removal are highly …
Poly(A) tail length (PAL) has been implicated in the regulation of mRNA translation activities. However, the extent of such regulation at the transcriptome level is less understood in plants.
| Analysis of the poly(A) tail formation. (A) Mapping of …
The dominant poly(A) sites (as expected from previous publications) are indicated by red arrows. The poly(A) signals are shown as a line above the illustration. (B) The poly(A) tail average...
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