Perry Township, OH | Official Website
Township Offices Entrance on Bright Rd Construction on the Mt. Carmel hospital next door is ongoing and taking longer than anticipated. The entrance to the Township offices is located on Bright Rd. Read on...
Government | Perry Township, OH
Access a list of the departments that make of the government of the township. Boards & Commissions. Learn about the various boards and commissions in Perry Township. Public Records. Access Perry Township's Public Records Policy, make a Public Records request, and view department records retention schedules. Limited Home Rule
Services | Perry Township, OH
Perry Township provides a service calendar for trash & recycling pickup and leaf and brush collection services. Garbage & Recycling Services View the current service schedule and guidelines for garbage and recycling.
Perry Township Zoning Resolution January 3, 20 Page 1 PREFACE TO THE PERRY TOWNSHIP ZONING RESOLUTION This preface is provided to give a measure of guidance in the understanding, application and
Elected Officials | Perry Township, OH
All regular meetings are streamed live on the Perry Township YouTube channel. You can view the meetings on the Perry Township YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@PerryTownshipFranklinCounty/streams; Township Hall 7125 Sawmill Road Dublin, OH 43016; Agendas & Minutes. Agendas are available prior to the meetings.
Zoning | Perry Township, OH
In Perry Township the Township Zoning Inspector, Keith Hamilton, oversees all zoning activity and property maintenance. Keith handles all permits for residential and commercial properties. Keith can also assist you with a permit for a Dumpster, POD, Garage Sale or Contractor Sign.
Public Records | Perry Township, OH
Access Perry Township's Public Records Policy, make a Public Records request, and view department records retention schedules
Administration | Perry Township, OH
Welcome to the Administrative Office of Perry Township. Our Administrative staff are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm. Our Zoning staff are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Departments | Perry Township, OH
Zoning within Perry Township has been enacted and Perry administered in order to provide orderly development and preserve the character of our neighborhoods. Fire & EMS. Read about the fire and emergency medical services offered to Perry Township citizens.
This exterior property maintenance code has been adopted under Perry Township’s limited home rule authority pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 504. The purpose of this exterior property maintenance code is to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare as it pertains to premises and