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Khan Academy
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Khan Academy
Learn the basics of DNA sequencing and its applications in this video tutorial from Khan Academy.
Khan Academy
PCR é uma técnica de biologia molecular usada para amplificar fragmentos de DNA.
How do I change the email address I use to log in to my account?
2021年9月20日 · First, connect a new email address to your account by following these steps: 1. Create a password for your account if you haven't already set one. 2. Add your new email address by selecting Connect another email and following the instructions. 3.
Introducing a New Dataset to Further the Field of AI Research
2024年6月28日 · By sharing this dataset, we hope to further advancements in AI in education to help students learn and succeed in their studies. We think the new dataset is an important step in the development of AI that not only gets math right but also acts as …
How do I download my students’ assignment scores and skills data?
2024年10月16日 · To download this CSV, follow the below steps: Click the "Scores" option on the left hand side of the class dashboard; Click the “Download CSV” button; Select the date range of the assignments you would like to download the scores from. Optional: select the "Include the average score" option
How do I recreate Khan Academy videos? - Khan Academy Help …
2020年8月4日 · Steps for recreating Khan Academy videos. Guide. 1) Download the video you want to recreate. See how to download videos; 2) Watch the video and see how Sal delivered the lesson. Make your own lesson plan based on the KA content creation principles. Prepare your mind for what you are going to say. Khan Academy content principles