Nostoc - Wikipedia
Nostoc, also known as star jelly, troll's butter, spit of moon, fallen star, witch's butter (not to be confused with the fungi commonly known as witches' butter), and witch's jelly, is the most common genus of cyanobacteria found in a variety of both aquatic and terrestrial environments that may form colonies composed of filaments of moniliform ...
Nostoc - Home & Garden Information Center
Nostoc is a dark blue-green, jelly-like organism sometimes found in soggy home lawns. While the organism’s discovery can be alarming for homeowners, it causes no harm to plants or animals. The Nostoc is likely filling in space where the grass does not grow. The organism’s unusual appearance earns the nicknames star jelly, star shot, or star ...
发菜(念珠藻科念珠藻属的一种植物 ... - 百度百科
发菜(学名:Nostoc flagelliforme),隶属蓝藻细菌门,念珠藻科,念珠藻属,是一种经济价值极高的食用性陆生固氮念珠藻。 藻体毛发状,棕色,干后呈棕黑色,往往许多藻体绕结成团,最大藻团直径达0.5米。
Nostoc – Morphology, Life Cycle, Classification, Examples
2024年12月5日 · Nostoc is a genus of cyanobacteria, commonly known as star jelly or witch’s butter, that forms gelatinous colonies in aquatic and terrestrial environments. These bacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis, often growing symbiotically with plants or fungi. Habitat of Nostoc
Nostoc | blue-green algae, filamentous & unicellular | Britannica
Nostoc, genus of blue-green algae with cells arranged in beadlike chains that are grouped together in a gelatinous mass. Ranging from microscopic to walnut-sized, masses of Nostoc may be found on soil and floating in quiet water.
Nostoc - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Nostoc is a genus of photosynthetic cyanobacteria common in various environments, where it is present in colonies composed of filaments in a gelatinous sheath. Most common species are Nostoc rivulare, N. caneum, N. entophytum, but we will …
Nostoc: the smallest multicellular organism – Inanimate Life
Nostoc is a genus of cyanobacteria that is common in a variety of habitats: soil, ponds and growing on the surface of rocks and soil if they are kept moist. It also lives symbiotically inside of other organisms.
Nostoc: Features, Occurrence, Structure, Reproduction - Biology …
2022年11月5日 · The salient features of Nostoc are as follows: The plant body is of the unbranched filamentous type, and many filaments are aggregated together within a gelatinous mass to form a colony. The colonies are greenish to bluish-green in color and contain many contorted or twisted trichomes.
Nostoc - microbewiki - Kenyon College
2010年8月6日 · Nostoc, first discovered in the 19th century, is one of the most widespread phototrophic bacteria in the world. As a nitrogen fixer, these bacteria may provide plants with important nutrients and therefore can be used agriculturally. In 1988 a terrestrial species, Nostoc commune, was found to harbor a previously unidentified UV-A/B absorbing ...
Nostoc: Classification, Structure, Reproduction & Ecological …
Learn about Nostoc, a genus of cyanobacteria, its classification, structure, and reproduction. Understand its ecological importance and its role in nitrogen fixation.