Nasociliary nerve - Wikipedia
The nasociliary nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic nerve (CN V 1) (which is in turn a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)). It is intermediate in size between the other two branches of the ophthalmic nerve, the frontal nerve and lacrimal nerve. [1]
Nerve Supply of the Eyelids - EyeWiki
The nasociliary nerve enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure (via V1) and travels lateral to the optic nerve. It gives off sensory branches to the ciliary ganglion, crosses the optic nerve medially, and gives off the long ciliary branches.
Nasociliary Nerve | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
The nasociliary nerve is largely a sensory nerve that conveys general sensation from the nasal and optic regions of the face, but also has a role in transmitting sympathetic innervation to the dilator pupillae muscle of the eye.
Nasociliary nerve | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2020年9月20日 · The nasociliary nerve divides off the ophthalmic division just before entering the orbit through the superior orbital fissure and through the tendinous ring between the inferior and superior divisions of the oculomotor nerve.
Nasociliary Nerve - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The nasociliary nerve is defined as a branch of the ophthalmic nerve that passes through the superior orbital fissure and provides sensory innervation to various areas of the eye, nose, and face, including the iris, ciliary muscles, cornea, and medial canthal area.
Human nasociliary nerve with special reference to its unique ...
In the present study, the nasociliary nerve (NCN) was identified in a large frontal section including the posterior pole of the eye ball (scale bar=10 mm) and we traced the nerve anteriorly toward the skin.
Anatomy of the Orbit - PMC
The nasociliary nerve ascends over the optic nerve, coursing medially to give raise to the anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves, which accompany their respective ethmoidal arteries to exit the orbit via the ethmoidal foramina, as well as to the infratrochlear nerve.
Nasociliary nerve - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The Nasociliary Nerve (n. nasociliaris; nasal nerve) is intermediate in size between the frontal and lacrimal, and is more deeply placed. It enters the orbit between the two heads of the Rectus lateralis, and between the superior and inferior rami of the oculomotor nerve.
Nerves of the orbit: Anatomy and clinical notes - Kenhub
2023年10月30日 · Nasociliary nerve (including the sensory root of ciliary ganglion, posterior ethmoidal nerve, long ciliary nerve, infratrochlear nerve, and anterior ethmoidal nerve) - After giving off several sensory branches to the orbit, this branch continues out through the anterior ethmoidal foramen, where it enters the nasal cavity and provides ...
What is Nasociliary nerve? Structure, Location, Function, Diagram
2025年1月17日 · The nasociliary nerve is an important nerve in the head and face, and any damage to this nerve can lead to sensory deficits and other complications. Damage to the nasociliary nerve can occur due to trauma, inflammation, or compression.