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- George McGovern was a South Dakota Democrat who represented liberal values in the United States Senate for decades and became widely known for his opposition to the Vietnam War.了解详细信息:George McGovern was a South Dakota Democrat who represented liberal values in the United States Senate for decades and became widely known for his opposition to the Vietnam War.www.thoughtco.com/george-mcgovern-4586756McGovern was best known for running against Richard Nixon in 1972 on a platform of withdrawing U.S. troops from Vietnam, reducing defense spending, and providing amnesty to those who evaded the draft.www.democracynow.org/2012/10/19/as_sen_geor…Born in Avon, South Dakota, on July 19, 1922, U.S. Senator George McGovern worked to end the Vietnam War and helped reform the Democratic Party to better represent minority groups.www.americanairmuseum.com/archive/person/geo…Former US Senator George McGovern was a war hero who inspired many in his opposition to the Vietnam War. Always a proud liberal, he was crushed in his 1972 challenge to Richard Nixon.www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2012…Senator George McGovern's address to the nation on the Vietnam war is a strong indictment of a politically bankrupt and morally ruinous policy.www.nytimes.com/1972/10/11/archives/mcgovern-…
George McGovern, Vietnam and the Democratic Crackup
2017年12月5日 · McGovern believed that to achieve a truly great society, the United States must curtail military interventionism in the name of …
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George McGovern - Wikipedia
Following the Fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, McGovern attributed the outcome not to Congressional refusal to fund more military aid to South
George McGovern, An Improbable Icon Of Anti-War …
2012年10月22日 · The rolling debacle of the fall campaign made it easier for Nixon to win 49 states and, ironically, to continue prosecuting the war in …
- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
McGovern–Hatfield Amendment - Wikipedia
The McGovern–Hatfield Amendment (alternately, Hatfield–McGovern Amendment) was a proposed amendment to an appropriations bill in 1970 during the Vietnam War that, if passed, …
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George McGovern | Biography, Presidential Candidacy, …
2025年1月11日 · Biography of George McGovern, liberal senator for South Dakota, unsuccessful Democratic candidate for president in 1972 who opposed the Vietnam War.
McGovern on Vietnam - The New York Times
1972年10月11日 · Senator George McGovern's address to the nation on the Vietnam war is a strong indictment of a politically bankrupt and morally ruinous policy.
Reacting to the news coming from Vietnam, on 24 Sep-tember 1963 McGovern included six short paragraphs on Southeast Asia in a lengthy Senate speech on disarmament. The siaiation in …
McGovern, George - Encyclopedia.com
South Dakota Democratic Senator George McGovern was one of the earliest and harshest critics of American military involvement in South Vietnam. His censure of U.S. policy in Vietnam …
George McGovern - VIETNAM The Art of War
He was the first senator to challenge the growing US military involvement in Vietnam in a speech delivered on the Senate floor in September 1963. He continued to oppose the war throughout …