Feeding Mbuna - Cichlid Fish Forum
Dec 24, 2009 · Mbuna are avaricious eaters and can consume a lot of food in less than 30 seconds. Remember, nature has conditioned these fish to eat small morsels of food throughout the day. Furthermore, smaller and more frequent feedings will reduce aggression among your fishes. Feeding Mbuna the proper foods is critical to their health.
Haps Vs. Mbuna | Cichlid Fish Forum
Dec 24, 2009 · Most fish are contained to 300 feet, because the water is stagnate below that point, and there is no oxygen. The Haps Haps, for want of a better name, are basically a non-Mbuna flock that are informally called Haps because many of these fish once belonged to the broad genus Haplochromis Hilgendorf. There are a total of eighteen genera that ...
Tropheus vs Tropheops vs Mbuna | Cichlid Fish Forum
Sep 25, 2009 · Tropheops are a genus of mbuna, like Pseudotropheus, or Melanochromis and fit the general mbuna personality and care profile. You will not really have any different experience in a pond setting. If you are not concerned with producing and selling fry, then any species grouping will give you the relaxation effect of watching the fish.
Setting Up the Perfect Mbuna Environment | Cichlid Fish Forum
Dec 24, 2009 · So in summary, I say ROCKS, ROCKS, ROCKS and FISH, FISH, FISH. The more fish, the better. Also keep in mind the aggressive and territorial behaviors of these fishes when selecting the number and sex ratios of fish as well as the size aquarium you will buy. OTHER EQUIPMENT: The Mbuna aquarium will require the same equipment as normal tropical tanks.
Best algae eaters for mbuna tank? - Cichlid Fish Forum
Sep 3, 2010 · 75G Mbuna-Labidochromis Caeruleus & sp. "Mbamba" _Eheim Pro3e 2074, 2-Eheim Classic 2215, AC110 29G Mbuna-Metriaclima Greshaki Red Top Ice Blue Zebra _Eheim 2322, 2-AC50, Eheim 2215 36G Community _Eheim 2322, Eheim Ecco 2234
new tank mbuna...and angel fish?? | Cichlid Fish Forum
Sep 16, 2011 · First, the mbuna are much more aggressive than angelfish and would likely harass and/or kill them. Second, angelfish prefer slightly acidic and soft water while mbuna prefer slightly alkaline and harder water. There are, however, some other "dither" fish which use the top of the tank that people have had some success housing with mbuna.
Mbuna or peacocks | Cichlid Fish Forum
Oct 4, 2008 · I agree with Fish_Dude, except i dont hate mbuna. I have both coexisting in my 75g tank with no issues at all. I dont keep just a few species, i have 2 different trios of peacocks, and 4 of mbuna: 3 Aul. Lwanda, 3 Aul. OB, 2 Yellow Lab, 3 Perlmutt, 3 Acei, 3 Rusties and 2 synos. The only fish in the tank i dont like is the acei, they're really ...
How many mbuna in a 50 or 75 gallon tank? - Cichlid Fish Forum
Feb 4, 2021 · The fish who were constantly hiding and being attacked slowly started being part of the community. They found their hiding spots in the rocks and were allowed to eat. The beaten up fish went back in and he is doing well. I did the move about 3 weeks ago and the fish are still adapting but things are really looking up.
mbuna aggression - Cichlid Fish Forum
Sep 29, 2021 · With mbuna there will always be aggression and there will always be the occasional nipped fin. That said, you have a lot of fish and it could be time to start removing extra males. I like 25 individuals in a mixed gender mbuna tank and you have 34.
fresh veggies for mbuna - Cichlid Fish Forum
Jun 8, 2010 · 40 gallon long, soon to be transfered to 125g 10 Pseudotropheus demasoni 5 Metriaclima Callainos "cobalt blue" 5 Acei