Lino Guanciale - Wikipedia
Lino Guanciale (born 21 May 1979) is an Italian actor. [1][2] Born in Abruzzo, his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher; he has a brother whose name is Giorgio. He graduated from Liceo Scientifico, and then he attended the Faculty of Humanities at the Sapienza University of Rome. He played rugby for some time.
Lino Guanciale, private life and career of the Italian fiction star
2023年3月20日 · Lino guanciale is one of the most loved Italian actors of the moment, to the point of being recognized as a real one fiction star. Just last 6 March 2023 debuted on Rai Uno with the second season of "Il Commissario RIcciardi", the series set in Naples in the Thirties and for which four new interesting episodes are planned. Biography
Lino Guanciale - IMDb
Lino Guanciale. Actor: To Rome with Love. Lino Guanciale was born in Avezzano, Italy on 21 May 1979. In 2003, he graduated from the Accademia d'arte drammatica "Silvio d'Amico", where he won the Gassman Prize as Best Actor of the previous ten years.
利诺·关恰莱 - 百度百科
利诺·关恰莱(Lino Guanciale),男,1979年5月21日出生于 意大利 的阿韦扎诺,意大利演员。 [1] 利诺·关恰莱,意大利舞台剧演员,亦参与影视剧拍摄。 长期和意大利剧场导演Claudio Longhi合作。 代表作品为《夏日未至 第一季》、《人生初日》 、《我们是传奇第一季》等。 [1] 百度百科内容由网友共同编辑,如您发现自己的词条内容不准确或不完善,欢迎使用本人词条编辑服务(免费)参与修正。 立即前往>> 利诺·关恰莱(Lino Guanciale),男,1979年5月21日 …
Lino Guanciale List of Movies and TV Shows - TV Guide
See Lino Guanciale full list of movies and tv shows from their career. Find where to watch Lino Guanciale's latest movies and tv shows
Lino Guanciale - actor, producer, writer - Kinorium
actor, producer. 45 years biography, photo, best movies and TV shows, instagram, news, birthday and age. «Non qui, non ora, non io» (2024), «Rasti» (2024), «The Count of Monte Cristo» (2024 – ...), «L'invenzione di noi due» (2024), «Noi siamo leggenda» (2023)...
Lino Guanciale chi è: moglie, figli, serie tv, dove abita, film
2025年1月13日 · Lino Guanciale è uno degli attori italiani più amati e apprezzati degli ultimi anni, capace di spaziare con disinvoltura tra teatro, cinema e televisione. Nato ad Avezzano il 21 maggio 1979, la sua carriera è un viaggio straordinario, che racconta di …
Lino Guanciale — Duemila30
2024年6月19日 · Since 2005, he has been teaching and promoting theater in schools and universities, including IUAV in Venice. He made his film debut in 2008 with "Io, Don Giovanni" by Carlos Saura and participated in films such as "La prima linea", "Il gioiellino", "To Rome with Love", and "Maraviglioso Boccaccio".
Lino Guanciale, chi è: età, carriera, fiction, moglie, figli e ...
2023年3月13日 · Lino Guanciale è un famoso attore italiano molto amato e apprezzato da nord a sud del nostro paese, ma scopriamo meglio chi è, qual è la sua età oggi, cosa ci racconta la sua carriera, quali sono le fiction più famose in cui lui ha avuto un ruolo importante, le curiosità sulla moglie, i figli e infine dove possiamo trovarlo su Instagram.
Verona becomes the set of the new film by Lino Guanciale
2023年6月9日 · The shooting of “L’invenzione di noi due,” a new movie starring Lino Guanciale and Silvia D’Amico and based on the same-titled novel by Veronese author Matteo Bussola, will start in a month. The movie is produced by K+ with funding from the Veneto Film Commission.