Is there an icon for LinkedIn in LaTeX? - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2020年3月13日 · Both the fontawesome and the newer fontawesome5 packages provide a LinkedIn icon, but \icon is neither a standard LaTeX command nor provided by these packages. So to answer your question, we will need to know what packages and …
LinkedIn logo in Latex - TeX - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2014年7月10日 · Following the discussion on LinkedIn Branding Guidelines, you can also download the EPS versions of the LinkedIn logo and include them using \includegraphics (from graphicx). Share Improve this answer
symbols - How to include social's icons like gitHub and linkedin in ...
2017年4月13日 · Package \usepackage{fontawesome5} may seem to be the one of the best option for adding icons, but imagine a case icon's you wanted is not included in fontawesome package like in my case at least, I have to add icon's for several online coding platforms, in that situation you can use \usepackage{graphicx} package to add you own icons:
hyperref - How to insert a linkedin logo to my document that also …
2016年5月10日 · I would like to insert a linkedin logo to my document that also acts as a link to my profile. Here's my code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[demo]{graphicx} \usepackage
How to add links of websites with their logo/icon in LaTeX?
2019年7月29日 · And I want to show these two links in such a way that only my name will be shown in blue color and when anyone will click on my name, they will automatically visit my profiles. I also want at the left hand side of these links, their logo/icon (Facebook logo and LinkedIn logo) will be shown. Please instruct me how I can do that. Thanks in advance.
How to add LinkedIn link on contact section of ModenCV in Latex
2021年3月23日 · Based on your given code I created an MWE for the current version of class moderncv, version 2.1.0. Using this current version you can use command \social[linkedin]{john.doe} to add your linkedin account to the contact informations ... Please see the following MWE (important code changings marked with <=====):
cv - Github icon in latex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2019年7月3日 · I have not tested it, but using the mentioned fontawesome icon and adding it to the class and document as done with \cvsite in the template should work. The current template uses \Mundus from the marvosym package - you may consider replacing it with the LinkedIn symbol from Font Awesome as well then. –
How to change the colors of icons in ModernCV - TeX
2021年7月10日 · The formatting of the text part of the social media entries is a bit complicated in moderncv and the question is also fairly different from changing the colors, so a new question is better I think. Also it might be confusing for readers: how do they know that the icon is a link? –
Add careers stackoverflow icon in awesome CV - TeX
I'm using the Awesome-CV, When I added my Linkedin, and github icon and URL. Just I add the name as the following: \github{mohamedyakout} \linkedin{mohamedyakout} It's working fine. Can anyone help me to add URL of my resume on careers.stackoverflow?
Adding sections such as Linkedin and Github to a Moderncv footer
Here's one way to do it adding to new fields \github and \linkedin; the information will be automatically added to the footer, with hyperlinks and some logos (for the logos I used the images obtained with the code at the end of this answer):