The Leader-Follower Relationship: The Role of Followers in Leadership
To optimize effectiveness, leaders would benefit from “stepping down” and demonstrating greater collaboration, while followers need to “step up” and assert greater leadership. Perhaps a new model for the leader-follower interaction would be helpful.
Leaders and Followers Relationship: What It Means, And Why It …
2022年4月19日 · A healthy leader-follower relationship enables the leaders to understand those followers in order to make them feel safe and supported. It also helps them to meet the needs of their followers so that those followers are motivated to do well.
Followership: What it is and Why it’s Essential for Leaders to ...
2022年6月28日 · Good followers will defend their leaders when they encounter complaints being made behind the leader’s back. But they will also respectfully challenge a leader if they present questionable ideas or behavior.
Research: To Be a Good Leader, Start By Being a Good Follower
2018年8月6日 · Leadership is a process that emerges from a relationship between leaders and followers. People will be more effective leaders when their behaviors indicate that they are one of us, that they...
What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers - Harvard Business Review
In this article, Kellerman explores the evolving dynamic between leaders and subordinates and offers a typology that managers can use to determine and appreciate how their followers are...
Why People Follow the Leader: The Power of Transference
What most analyses seem to ignore is that followers have their own motivations and are as powerfully driven to follow as leaders are to lead. In this article, psychoanalyst, anthropologist, and...
The Differences Between A Leader And A Follower
2017年11月10日 · Followers focus on what they can achieve individually. Leaders are team players, because they know that greatness is a collective feat. A leader is only as good as what he or she can achieve through other people. Are you willing to learn? Leaders, while confident, know that they’re neither superhuman nor infallible.
The Leadership Needs of Followers - gallup.com
4 天之前 · The more senior a leader is within an organization, the more followers look to them for hope and inspiration. Followers are much more likely to say they need to see hope from organizational ...
What You Need to Know About the Leader Follower Situation …
2023年2月21日 · As a leader in an organisation, I understand the importance of having a strong leader-follower relationship in order to create a successful, cohesive and motivated team. To this end, I have been exploring the Leader Follower Situation Model, a highly influential theory in leadership development.
What is followership, the hidden face of leadership?
2023年12月7日 · In the field of research and education, the study of the relationship of influence between a leader and his followers generally focuses on the leader. In other words, the focus is on the qualities and skills a leader needs to be effective. …