Zoning | City of Lancaster, PA
See the City’s interactive Zoning Map here or download the PDF. In addition to determining where a use is permitted, the Zoning Ordinance also establishes the required amount of parking for each use.
City of Lancaster - ArcGIS StoryMaps
2024年2月5日 · City of Lancaster Zoning Map Building, Planning, Zoning & Licensing The Building and Zoning Department provides information and instruction to citizens, business owners, builders, and developers within the City.
ArcGIS Web Application
Explore the City of Lancaster's zoning and city limits with this interactive ArcGIS web application.
Planning Maps & Resources - City of Lancaster, PA
This map shows the zoning districts assigned to land across the City. It was last updated in August of 2013. Please contact the Zoning Officer directly for final confirmation of zoning issues on a case-by-case basis rather than relying on this map.
2013年8月1日 · ZONING 300 Attachment 1 City of Lancaster 300 Attachment 1:1 08 - 01 - 2013. nh i Manor Proposed LANCASTER CITY ZONING MAP Lam Residential: Commercial: Manufacturing: Institutional: Conservation: E. Lampeter Twp ZONING DISTRICTS RI Detached R2 Semi-Detached R3 Medium Density
City of Lancaster Open Data Hub
Discover, analyze and download data from City of Lancaster Open Data Hub. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.
PDF Maps - ArcGIS
Static maps serve as reliable references that you can download as a PDF file or print, to provide a clear snapshot of the area to help users get their bearings. Static maps serve as a simple and user-friendly tool for understanding the geography of …
Future Land Use Plan - Our Future Lancaster
This chapter provides the foundation for Lancaster City’s zoning map and also helps shape the City’s zoning regulations. While the five Planning Systems in Chapter 3 provide the framework for future decisions, the Land Use Map and policies in Chapter 4 interpret that information spatially.
Future Land Use Plan - Our Future Lancaster
Zoning maps are parcel-based and correspond to districts with prescriptive regulations for what may be built, including standards for height, yards, parking, and so on. The FLUM is more generalized and is used to make long-term decisions about …
City of Lancaster - ArcGIS
Please note: this map is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a legally recorded plan, survey, or engineering schematic and should not be used as such. Please contact …