The Hope of Jacob's Ladder - LDS Blogs
2008年5月27日 · ‘When you climb up a ladder,’ the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, ‘you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the gospel—you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation.
Unit 7: Day 1, Genesis 28–30 - The Church of Jesus Christ of …
Answer the following question: What do you think were the rungs on the ladder that Jacob would need to climb in order to obtain all of the promised blessings? Read Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4, and identify the ordinance needed to obtain the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.
February 28–March 6. Genesis 28–33: “Surely the Lord Is in This …
Explain that the steps on the ladder can represent covenants that help us return to Heavenly Father. Invite the children to pretend they are climbing a ladder as you talk about times when we promise to obey God, such as when we are baptized, take the sacrament, or go to the temple.
Entering the Gate of Heaven - The Church of Jesus Christ of …
“Jacob realized that the covenants he made with the Lord there were the rungs on the ladder that he himself would have to climb in order to obtain the promised blessings—blessings that would entitle him to enter heaven and associate with the Lord. …
Jacob’s Ladder: More on Faith Vs. Works - Mormon Matters
2010年3月3日 · In the 4th century Saint Gregory of Nazianzus spoke of ascending Jacob’s Ladder by successive steps towards excellence, interpreting thus the ladder as an ascetic path, while Saint Gregory of Nyssa wrote that Moses climbed on Jacob’s Ladder to reach the heavens where he entered the tabernacle not made with hands, thus giving to the Ladder a ...
The Seven Rungs of Jacob's Ladder - Blogger
2018年6月17日 · The Seven Levels of Jacob's Ladder is comprised of successively deeper descents and ascents until one must descend below all before He can inherit all.
Jacob's ladder Archives - Teaching Children the Gospel
2022年2月28日 · Invite the children to pretend they are climbing a ladder as you talk about times when we promise to obey God, such as when we are baptized, take the sacrament, or go to the temple. Help the children think of ways they can prepare to …
We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder | Fr. Dwight Longenecker
2017年7月10日 · Most likely Jacob’s dream of angels going up and down the staircase was set in the context of the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. The pyramid with the stairway on the front was the picture of a...
Jacob’s Ladder And Stairways To Heaven | Paul Louis Metzger
2014年3月7日 · We are told that somewhere on his climb Luther realized that it is not our merit that saves us, but Christ’s merit and Christ’s descent from heaven. This realization led Luther to reference...
Ladder of Faith - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2022年4月17日 · How high we climb on the ladder of faith is our decision. Elder Neil L. Andersen taught that “faith is not by chance, but by choice.” 15 We can choose to make the choices needed to increase our faith in the Savior. Consider the impact of the choices made when Laman and Lemuel descended the ladder of faith while Nephi climbed higher.