Santa Fe - Jemez Ranger District - US Forest Service
The Jemez Ranger District is home to the Jemez National Recreation Area, located within the Jemez Mountains. A drive through the district reveals multiple cultural landmarks and impressive geological formations.
This Management Plan for the Jemez National Recreation Area (JNRA) establishes management direction for the JNRA in accordance with the 1993 JNRA Act (Public Law 103-104 107 Stat. 1025). It was developed to “conserve, protect, and restore the …
Santa Fe - Special Places - US Forest Service
The Jemez Ranger District is home to the Jemez National Recreation Area, located within the Jemez Mountains. A drive through the district reveals multiple cultural landmarks and impressive geological formations.
Santa Fe - Jemez Ranger District - US Forest Service
The Jemez Ranger District is home to the Jemez National Recreation Area, located within the Jemez Mountains. A drive through the district reveals multiple cultural landmarks and impressive geological formations.
Santa Fe - Jemez Falls Campground - US Forest Service
Come prepared for warm summer days and cooler nights. Jemez Falls, largest waterfall in the Jemez Mountains, is close by. The Valles Caldera National Preserve and Bandelier National Monument are within a short driving distance. Uses: Overnight camping, hiking and nearby fishing. Facilities: Campground has 52 camp sites with picnic table and ...
Santa Fe - Recreation - US Forest Service
The Jemez Ranger District is home to the Jemez National Recreation Area, located within the Jemez Mountains. A drive through the district reveals multiple cultural landmarks and impressive geological formations.
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The Jemez National Recreation Area and the Forest Plan. Situated in the northcentral portion of New Mexico, the JNRA is located on the Jemez Ranger District of the Santa Fe National Forest (Maps 1 and 2). The JNRA is accessed by State Highway 4, a State Scenic and Historic Byway, and State Highway 126.
Santa Fe - Redondo Campground - US Forest Service
The Redondo Campground is situated in a stand of Ponderosa Pine interspersed with grass and wildflower meadows within the Jemez National Recreation Area. The campground is approximately 8,200 feet in elevation and you can plan for warm days and cool nights.
Santa Fe - Districts - US Forest Service
The Jemez Ranger District is split into two section. The Dome Wilderness is the only wilderness area on the district. The Jemez Ranger Station is located in Jemez Springs, New Mexico.
As depicted on Exhibit A, the Restricted Areas consist of the following developed recreation sites adjacent to New Mexico State Highway 4: Battleship Rock, Soda Dam, Bluffs Fishing Access, Spanish Queen Picnic Area, Vista Linda Campground, River’s Bend Fishing Access,