Indochina wars - Wikipedia
During the Cold War, the Indochina wars (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Đông Dương) were a series of wars which were waged in Indochina from 1946 to 1991, by communist forces (mainly ones led by Vietnamese communists) against the opponents (mainly the Vietnamese capitalists, Trotskyists, the State of Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam, the French ...
First Indochina War - Wikipedia
The First Indochina War (generally known as the Indochina War in France, and as the Anti-French Resistance War in Vietnam, and alternatively internationally as the French-Indochina War) was fought between France and Việt Minh (Democratic Republic of Vietnam), and their respective allies, from 19 December 1946 until 21 July 1954. [21]
第一次印度支那戰爭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1945年7月 波茨坦会议, 同盟國 議決以北緯十六度為界,南屬英軍 蒙巴頓 東南亞司令部統轄,北歸中國國民政府 蔣中正 佔領,然後全部歸還法國。 9月,中國軍入越北 東京 地,法英聯軍則登陸 西貢 (交趾支那之都)。 中國軍隊承認胡志明領導之越南政府於河內執政,而法英兩國拒之,試圖恢復法國於當地的統治。 9月2日,胡志明於河內宣告獨立,建 越南民主共和国 [17]。 9月23日,法軍重新控制交趾支那,西貢四郊則開始展開游擊戰。 法軍步步為營,漸得全境控制,胡 …
印度支那战争 - 百度百科
印度支那战争,指第二次世界大战结束后,法国和美国在印度支那地区先后发动的两次侵略战争,通称印度支那战争和越南战争,又称第一次印度支那战争和第二次印度支那战争。 第二次世界大战后,法国为恢复殖民统治,在美、英支持下,在1945年派遣远征军入侵越南南部并占领西贡。 虽然在越南人民抵抗下,一度迫使法国于1946年签署巴黎临时协定。 但此后法国不断违约,并于12月占领海防、谅山等地区,发动对越南的全面军事进攻。 同年10月,法国进一步侵占柬埔 …
Indochina wars | Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia History | Britannica
Indochina wars, 20th-century conflicts in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, with the principal involvement of France (1946–54) and later the United States (beginning in the 1950s). The wars are often called the French Indochina War and the Vietnam War (q.v.), or …
The First Indochina War - Alpha History
The First Indochina War was a conflict from December 1946 to August 1954 where the Viet Minh and French colonial forces battled for control of Vietnam. In the West, it is usually called the First Indochina War and in Vietnam, it is referred to as the Anti-French War.
First Indochina War | 1946–1954 | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
The French Indochina War broke out in 1946 and went on for eight years, with France’s war effort largely funded and supplied by the United States. Finally, with their shattering defeat by the Viet Minh at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954, the…
第一次印度支那战争 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2007年1月1日 · 1945年7月 波茨坦会议, 同盟国 议决以北纬十六度为界,南属英军 蒙巴顿 东南亚司令部统辖,北归中国国民政府 蒋中正 占领,然后全部归还法国。 9月,中国军入越北 东京 地,法英联军则登陆 西贡 (交趾支那之都)。 中国军队承认胡志明领导之越南政府于河内执政,而法英两国拒之,试图恢复法国于当地的统治。 9月2日,胡志明于河内宣告独立,建 越南民主共和国 [17]。 9月23日,法军重新控制交趾支那,西贡四郊则开始展开游击战。 法军步步为营,渐 …
The Indochina War - The Untold Story – DW – 08/26/2024 - dw.com
2024年8月26日 · The Indochina War (1946 to 1954), also known as the First Indochina War or the French Indochina War, was a war in French Indochina between France and the League for the Independence of...
The Indochina War (1946–54) - Encyclopedia.com
The Indochina War (1946–54) In 1946, the struggle between Vietnam's French colonial rulers and its Communist-supported nationalist movement finally erupted into all-out war. This war—known as the Indochina War or the First Indochina War (the Vietnam War is sometimes referred to as the Second Indochina War)—lasted for eight long years. It ...