Hymenoptera - Wikipedia
Hymenoptera is a large order of insects, comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants. Over 150,000 living species of Hymenoptera have been described, [2][3] in addition to over 2,000 extinct ones. [4] . Many of the species are parasitic.
Hymenoptera | Definition, Bee, Ant, Wasp, Characteristics, Families ...
2025年1月20日 · Hymenopterans are any member of the third largest—and perhaps the most beneficial to humans—of all insect orders. More than 115,000 species have been described, including ants, bees, chalcids, sawflies, wasps, and lesser-known types.
膜翅目 - 百度百科
膜翅目(学名:Hymenoptera)是 节肢动物门 、 昆虫纲 下的一个目,包括蜂、蚁类昆虫,属 有翅亚纲 、 全变态类。 全世界已知约12万种,中国已知2300余种,是 昆虫纲 中第三大的目(次于鞘翅目和鳞翅目)。 膜翅目是最低等的 完全变态 类昆虫,和其他全变态类昆虫是姊妹群关系。 膜翅目广泛分布于世界各地,以热带相 亚热带地区 种类最多。 膜翅目的名字来自于其膜一般的,透明的翅膀。 膜翅目中的昆虫体长0.1~65毫米、 翅展 0.2~120mm,是昆虫中最小的。 [1] 翅膜 …
Hymenopteran - Definition, Examples, Characteristics, and Picture
2024年5月15日 · The Hymenoptera is the third largest order of insects, with over 150,000 living species, including sawflies, ants, bees, and wasps. The order derives its name from the Greek word ‘hymen’ as the members of this group have membranous, connected wings. These insects are abundant in almost all habitats, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.
Wasps, Ants, and Bees (Hymenoptera) | Smithsonian Institution
Of the 6,000–7,000 new species of insects described annually, Hymenoptera is a large component, especially in the parasitic wasp groups. Nearly all commonly encountered Hymenoptera can be recognized by a narrow "waist." When winged, the wings form two membranous pairs that can be hooked together.
Key innovations and the diversification of Hymenoptera
2023年3月3日 · We assembled the largest time-calibrated phylogeny of Hymenoptera to date and investigated the origin and possible correlation of particular morphological and behavioral innovations with...
Evolutionary History of the Hymenoptera - ScienceDirect
2017年4月3日 · Hymenoptera (sawflies, wasps, ants, and bees) are one of four mega-diverse insect orders, comprising more than 153,000 described and possibly up to one million undescribed extant species [1, 2].
Order Hymenoptera – ENT 425 – General Entomology
Common Name: ants, bees, wasps, and sawflies. Greek Origins of Name: Hymenoptera is derived from the Greek words “hymen” meaning membrane and “ptera” meaning wings. It is also a reference to Hymeno, the Greek god of marriage.
2020年7月28日 · Hymenopteran- Hymenoptera means membranous wings, they are the third biggest group in the class Insecta and, are more than 115,000 species which have been described, comprising;ants, bees, ichneumons, chalcids, sawflies, wasps, and …
Hymenoptera: Ants, Bees, Wasps - ScienceDirect
2009年1月1日 · Hymenoptera are also diverse in terms of their life histories: they include phytophagous, parasitoid, and predatory taxa, both solitary and highly social species, and they range in size from the rather large and intimidating spider-hunting pompilid wasps that can reach 12 cm wingspan down to the tiniest parasitic wasps that are approximately 0.1...