Paper Airplanes - How to Make 50 Flying Designs
Over 50 flying paper airplane designs with written and video step-by-step folding instructions. All classes of paper airplanes are represented from darts to gliders to jets to schoolyard contest winners.
Coolest Paper Airplane Designs
Some Paper Airplane designs are just plain COOL! How to make several cool and very flyable models. Video and Written instructions.
Paper Airplane Designs for Long Distance Flights
How to make several Paper Planes that want to fly forever and win contests. Step by step written and video folding instructions
How to Make the Typhoon Paper Airplane
Open the wings and the wingtip flaps and adjust all creases so that the plane is about the same on both sides. The dihedral angle should be slightly up so that when it relaxes during flight, it is nearly flat.
Cool Antelope Paper Airplane
This litle airplane requires one half of a square sheet of paper. It works best with light to medium weight. Cut a square sheet exactly in half. 1. Bring the upper left corner down and over to the right edge of the paper. The top edge should lie along the right edge of the paper exactly. Unfold after making a tight crease. 2. Repeat on the right.
How to Make Paper Airplane Gliders
These paper airplane glider designs have very large wing areas for maximum lift and long flight times. They are not fast flyers but in light winds they will fly really far and stay in the air a very long time. A light and gentle toss will generally give the best results when you launch your glider.
Easy Paper Airplane Designs
The 7 easiest paper airplanes to make with complete step-by-step folding instructions.
Falcon Canard Wing Paper Airplane
1. Start with a letter size sheet of paper. Fold the paper exactly in half along the short edge. Unfold after the crease has been made. 2. Fold the upper left point over so it hits the point on the right edge of the paper formed by the existing horizontal crease. 3. …
Most Popular Paper Airplanes
Over the years, some paper airplanes have become more popular than others. Why? Perhaps because some of them look super cool. Maybe it's because they fly better than others. Whatever the case, these are the most Popular Planes on the …
Awesome Albatross Paper Airplane
This Excellent flying paper plane is in the Glider family. If folded well it is capable of very long, slow flights. The plane itself is traditional for a glider in that is has broad wings to generate plenty of lift at the expense of speed.