H E Bailey Turnpike Road Map
H E Bailey Turnpike map, including exits, toll locations and available plazas and rest areas. Select an exit, travel plaza, toll booth or gantry, or other select locations from the map. Use the exit and point-of-interest list to get information and a close-up map of that location, plus any nearby services and hotels.
H E Bailey Turnpike Tolls And Toll Calculator
H E Bailey Turnpike tolls for all classes, including cars, trucks, SUVs, RVs, and tractor-trailers. See tolls for the entire road or calculate a specific trip. See who collects tolls on the H E Bailey Turnpike, and get online payment options.
H E Bailey Turnpike Travel Plazas
Road map and list of available H E Bailey Turnpike travel plazas & rest stops in Oklahoma. Select your preferred location from the map or the list to get information about amenities and services.
SPUR – Norman Spur Toll Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike – …
Location of SPUR – Norman Spur Toll Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Blanchard. This location is in the Oklahoma City area. See road conditions and current weather.
H E Bailey Turnpike Weather And Radar
Travel weather, current conditions, radar and forecasts for the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Oklahoma. Select a location for detailed forecasts, visibility, hour-by-hour conditions, three-day and extended forecasts.
Chickasha Toll Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike – Oklahoma
Location of Chickasha Toll Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Chickasha. This location is in the Lawton - Fort Sill area. See road conditions and current weather.
I–44 / SH 37 East / Oklahoma City on the H E Bailey Turnpike – …
Location of I–44 / SH 37 East / Oklahoma City on the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Newcastle. This location is in the Oklahoma City area. Dynamic map shows nearby gas stations, EV charging, fast-food and family dining, convenience stores and hotels. See …
US 62 on the H E Bailey Turnpike – Oklahoma
Location of US 62 on the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Chickasha. This location is in the Lawton - Fort Sill area. Dynamic map shows nearby gas stations, EV charging, fast-food and family dining, convenience stores and hotels. See road conditions and current weather.
Chickasha Concession Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike – Oklahoma
Food, gas, amenities and travel info for Chickasha Concession Plaza on the H E Bailey Turnpike in Chickasha. This location is in the Lawton - Fort Sill area. Current weather and short-term forecast. See available travel pictures.
SH 5/US 277/US 281 on the H E Bailey Turnpike – Oklahoma
Location of SH 5/US 277/US 281 on the H E Bailey Turnpike, in Walters. This location is in the Lawton - Fort Sill area. Dynamic map shows nearby gas stations, EV charging, fast-food and family dining, convenience stores and hotels. See road conditions and current weather.