Relationship between corals and fishes on the Great Barrier Reef
There are strong mutual dependencies between the reef-building corals and reef-inhabiting fishes, with many fish species depending on corals for food and habitat, while corals depend on the grazing by certain fishes for reproductive success. Even the spread of coral diseases may be mitigated by fishes.
Great Barrier Reef fish evidence suggests shifts in major global ...
2025年1月14日 · New research from an international team of marine scientists from the UK and Australia and led by researchers at Lancaster University, published today in the journal Nature Communications, reveals...
Emergent patterns of reef fish diversity correlate with coral ...
2025年1月13日 · Here, we analyse how patterns of reef fish diversity have changed from 1995 to 2022 by examining local diversity and species dissimilarity along a large latitudinal gradient of the Great...
Great Barrier Reef fish evidence suggests shifts in major global ...
2025年1月14日 · New research from an international team of marine scientists from the UK and Australia and led by researchers at Lancaster University, published today in the journal Nature Communications, reveals significant transformations in fish communities on the Great Barrier Reef, the World’s largest coral reef ecosystem.
Fish diversity has changed dramatically on the Great Barrier Reef
2025年1月15日 · According to Emslie, the study shows that changes in fish diversity on the Great Barrier Reef were strongly correlated with shifts in coral composition, and to a lesser extent with fluctuations in coral cover – highlighting the vital importance of a diverse coral assemblage for reef fish communities.
Great Barrier Reef fish evidence suggests shifts in major global ...
2025年1月13日 · Life on the Great Barrier Reef is undergoing big changes in the face of climate change and other human-caused pressures, a new study reveals. From food security to controlling seaweed and...
Changes in algal, coral and fish assemblages along water quality ...
2005年1月1日 · Turbid inshore coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) can support highly diverse assemblages of hard corals, octocorals, algae and fish, and high coral cover. On the 10 inshore reefs surveyed, a total of 318 species of hard corals were recorded, representing 80% of the 400 hard coral species known to occur on the GBR ( Veron, 2000 ).
Global Change Biology | Environmental Change Journal - Wiley …
2024年10月14日 · Here, we examine the effects of multiple potential drivers of change in coral reef fish assemblages across 4 inshore regions of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), Australia, over 12–14 years (2007–2021). Each region had a unique disturbance history, in conjunction with long-term changes in physical and habitat variables.
New study highlights the correlation between live corals and …
2024年12月19日 · Researchers analyzed the yields of nine fisheries dependent on Australia's Great Barrier Reef from 2016 to 2020. Results show that substantial losses could occur if the restoration of coral...
Young fishes persist despite coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef
2019年12月6日 · Despite a >40% loss of coral cover, and the ecological extinction of functionally important habitat-providing Acropora corals, we show that populations of obligate coral-dependent fishes,...