Frank Morgan - Mathematics & Statistics
Frank Morgan works in minimal surfaces and studies the behavior and structure of minimizers in various dimensions and settings. Calculus Lite 2001, republished as Calculus 2012; Max-Min video on YouTube. Area: geometry, minimal surfaces, geometric measure theory, calculus of variations. Editor-in-Chief, Notices AMS, 2016-2018.
Frank Morgan (mathematician) - Wikipedia
Frank Morgan is an American mathematician and the Webster Atwell '21 Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, at Williams College. He is known for contributions to geometric measure theory, minimal surfaces, and differential geometry, including the resolution of …
Bio - Mathematics & Statistics
Morgan served at Williams as Mathematics Department Chair and founding director of an NSF undergraduate research project. He is currently Webster Atwell ’21 Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus. He lives on the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey, and goes in the ocean every day summer and winter.
Frank Morgan - Google Scholar
Repeat burglary in a Perth suburb: Indicator of short-term or long-term risk? The isoperimetric theorem for general integrands. FP Seelos, SL Murchie, DC Humm, OS Barnouin, F Morgan, HW Taylor,...
Biographical Information on Frank Morgan - web.williams.edu
Frank Morgan works in minimal surfaces and studies the behavior and structure of minimizers in various dimensions and settings. His proof with colleagues and students of the Double Bubble Connecture is featured at the NSF Discoveries site.
Frank MORGAN | Professor | PhD Princeton 1977 - ResearchGate
Frank MORGAN, Professor | Cited by 4,248 | of Williams College | Read 204 publications | Contact Frank MORGAN
Frank Morgan - Williams College
2025年1月9日 · Frank Morgan’s Math Chat Archives Math Chat started as a live call-in cable TV show in Williamstown (1996-97, January 2000) and Princeton (1997-98), ran as a regular column in The Christian Science Monitor (1996-1998), continued on the Mathematical Association of America website, and finally became The Math Chat Book with a $1000 Math Chat ...
Frank Morgan - Mathematics & Statistics
I am Math/Stat As officers of the AWM, we started the “I am Math/Stat” project as a visual representation of the diversity of experience of students in Math/Stat. We’ve put up posters in Bronfman, both at the top of the stairs and in the Math/Stat Bronfman Library.
Frank Morgan教授做客“理学之美”名师讲坛第三十六讲-北京科技 …
Frank Morgan教授1977年于普林斯顿获得博士学位,在极小曲面、几何测度论及变分方法等领域作出了杰出工作, 代表工作包括合作证明了Double Bubble Conjecture。有195个发表作品,其中包括一些顶级数学杂志“Annals math., Invent. Math. ,Duke, ARMA, Adv. Math.”等的论文和6本书。
FRANK MORGAN PUBLICATIONS. RESEARCH PAPERS [M1] A smooth curve in R 4 bounding a continuum of area minimizing surfaces. Duke Math. J. 43 (1976), 867-870. The first example is given of a smooth curve in R n which bounds infinitely many minimal surfaces. Symmetries of the curve give rise to a continuum of nonorientable surfaces, which are ...