Femoral endarterectomy: Procedure, conditions, benefits, risks
2024年3月18日 · A femoral endarterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove fatty deposits from the femoral artery in the groin. This artery supplies the lower body with oxygen-rich blood.
Femoral Popliteal Bypass Surgery - Johns Hopkins Medicine
What is femoral popliteal bypass surgery and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the femoral arteries? Femoral popliteal bypass surgery is used to treat a blocked femoral artery. …
Understanding Femoral Endarterectomy - Saint Luke's Health …
Femoral endarterectomy is a procedure to clear a blockage from the femoral artery. ehn-dar-ter-EK-toh-mee. Arteries throughout the body can become blocked by fatty deposits called …
Femoral Endarterectomy: What to Expect at Home | Kaiser ...
You had a femoral endarterectomy (say "FEM-uh-rull en-dar-tuh-REK-tuh-mee"). It was done to remove fatty buildup (plaque) from the femoral artery. You will have some pain from the cut …
What Is an Endarterectomy? - WebMD
2024年2月11日 · Most endarterectomy procedures aim to restore blood flow to the femoral artery, which is in the top of your thigh. PAD is the most common condition that affects this artery. It’s …
Femoral Endarterectomy: Before Your Surgery - Kaiser Permanente
A femoral endarterectomy (say "FEM-uh-rull en-dar-tuh-REK-tuh-mee") is done to remove fatty buildup (plaque) from the femoral artery. This is a large blood vessel in the leg. When plaque …
Femoral Artery Endarterectomy - Anesthesia Buddy
Femoral artery endarterectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove atherosclerotic plaque material, or blockage, from the femoral artery. The femoral artery, one of the major arteries of …