Epoxy primer-filler/recoat questions - Team Camaro Tech
2020年4月21日 · Getting ready to start the priming process on my car, basically doing all of the non body areas first, subframe, firewall, underside, trunk area, door jambs . I'm going to have all of these areas media blasted first, then apply SPI epoxy primer. My concern is how to handle these areas after the epoxy has cured.
Epoxy Primers Quality versus Price? - Team Camaro Tech
2024年8月19日 · 2) Shoot 2 coats of SPI epoxy primer (Buy 1 gallon of epoxy primer and then buy 1 quart at a time of the activator as needed) 3) Shoot 2 coats of Omni single stage topcoat for added protection even though areas are hidden
Epoxy Primer over EDP Coated Aftermarket Panels
2007年6月3日 · Now spray on 3 wet coats of epoxy primer surfacer and let dry overnight. Spray a light guide coat on the panels with spray can black primer. Now you can start your final block sanding with 320 dry. Then fix any low or high spots and reprime those areas with epoxy primer. Hit those areas again with the 320 to get them nice and flat/straght.
Epoxy Primer flaking off, is this normal? - Team Camaro Tech
2006年7月7日 · Either one will work. Don't want to confuse anyone. The common area of agreement is to get that primer off of there and re-prep the surface using sandpaper, wax /grease remover, and a metal prep solution of your preference. Once thats done, decide on whether you want the etch primer, or straight epoxy over the properly prepped surface.
Has anyone used Summit Epoxy Primer? - Team Camaro Tech
2013年10月6日 · I used Variprime in the early 80s. Nothing wrong with etch followed by primer. I just use epoxy now and so do other shops. It's a matter of preference. Evercoat has other poly primers besides Slicksand. G2 and Superbuild are two. Talk to ten different shops and each might say their way is the best. Some are open minded, some are not.
Epoxy Primer over etching primer - Team Camaro Tech
2012年2月19日 · I recommend RM Epoxy Undercoat on metal. Once applied you can do about anything you want after that. I used numerous coats of RM Epoxy undercoat, block wet sanded to 600 then shot Emron over it. Any filler was sandwiched between coats of the undercoat. Essentially I used no Primer whatsoever it's all Epoxy. The finish is now 8 years old.
how do I clean epoxy primer from gun? - Team Camaro Tech
2008年2月9日 · Use the same reducer you use with the primer. Clean it right away, and don't be shy with the cleaner. Wipe it down, rinse the cup, spray a good half cup of reducer, then disassemble and soak all the parts in reducer and clean well immediately. You let that stuff dry in there, your gun is trash.
Epoxy primer over etching primer - Team Camaro Tech
2016年7月13日 · The epoxy primer is MP170=grey, MP171=white, MP172=black. Mix with MP175 Activator, 2 parts MP170 : 1 part MP175. Here is the product information sheet to look over.
epoxy primer over e-coat - Team Camaro Tech
2010年12月23日 · There's no problem scuffing true e-coat and then applying epoxy on this type of stuff. Exterior body panels are of a different story though, for me atleast. I want the same coating on bare metal through out all body panels, so if the panel came e-coated, it will get sanded/blasted off anyway along with the rest of the body and then epoxy.
Will primer (with no topcoat) prevent rust on a driven vehicle?
2009年7月9日 · If you look in my signature you can see the pics of my car has gone from multiple colors to stripped to Bare Metal and primed with an Etch Coat primer (Olive Green color) and the driven "Daily" for over a year and then scuff sanded another coat of etch coat and 2 coats of a 2K high build primer and then driven "Daily" for almost 3 years without ...