PJ reefs Dwarf Seahorse Setup Instructions and Feeding Mechanism
Oct 24, 2017 · Hi @RIP Sebastian, seahorse care does revolve around keeping the bacterial level low and looking out for hydroids. One can maintain a low bacterial count by running carbon filtration. The PJ reef reservoir has an inverted opening where …
Dwarf Seahorse Tank Talk - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Jan 25, 2012 · Dwarf seahorses are delicate, difficult, and the most rewarding experience I have had. I am in college and can not afford to have a huge system since I have no permanente residence so dwarf seahorses help calm my pico jitters.
Seahorse Care - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Mar 20, 2012 · In their library you will also find guides related to tank-mate selection, breeding, and care of the tiny dwarf seahorse. Tropical Seahorses (Hippocampus sp.) generally require 71-74 degree aquariums of 29 gallons or more for 1-4 fish.
Dwarf seahorse in nano? - All-In-One Tanks - Nano-Reef Community
Dec 11, 2005 · Most people are going to tell you that you can't or shouldn't keep a seahorse in a tank that small but I've got one in my 5 gallon at home and he's happy as can be and eats like crazy. The tanks height is a little more than twice his length uncurled.
Dwarf seahorse Tankmates 25g ADA - Nano-Reef Community
Feb 27, 2008 · Dwarf Seahorse Stuff I'm pretty sure this stuff has been treated in some way, perhaps with panacur. Panacur will leach out of the rock for quite a while afterwards - meaning it will still have an effect on any inverts you place in the tank with it.
Dwarf Seahorse Advice - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Jan 11, 2012 · Dwarf Seahorse Advice Dwarf Seahorse Advice. By MatthewStarr, January 11, 2012 in Fish Forum. Start new ...
Dwarf Seahorse Startup - Beginners Discussion - Nano-Reef …
Nov 12, 2021 · Starting a new dwarf seahorse tank and need some advice. Start with 10 ponies and 2 dwarf pipefish. Setup will be pretreated with Panacur. Tank: 6.1g Aquatop Euro bow front (which I plan to black out back panel. Unsure on substrate (bare or sand). Dead rocks. Will be running a 1-10g rated aquatop sponge filter.
Dwarf Seahorse Tank Build (Fluval Spec 2) - Nano-Reef Community
Jun 24, 2011 · Ha I try I try. You kinda have me modivated to do sealed dwarf seahorse tank with same setup but low lighting and a small picotope filter behind the false wall and have a glass box over the filter connecting to the lid that will be siliconed shut. The thing that would be tricky is water quality. I do 100% water changes on my reef once a week.
Dwarf Seahorses :) - Nano Reef Journals - Nano-Reef Community
Feb 3, 2016 · Hello! I am horrible at updating threads, but wanted to start one for my dwarf seahorse tank. The tank itself is just a simple National Geographic Half Moon Betta Tank. It is 1.2 gallons and came with a built in filter that doesn't have too much flow, as well as a sponge to cover the filter intak...
Dwarf Seahorse Reef (Fluval spec v)
Aug 6, 2020 · Obviously there is always some risk adding stuff that can't be treated with fenbendazole to a dwarf seahorse tank but I decided to take the chance. The macros obviously can't be treated with h2o2 so I plan on treating it all with fenbendazole in a 5 gallon bucket for a couple days then rinsing it well before putting it in the tank.