Technologies Used in Data Mining - GeeksforGeeks
2022年10月25日 · Data mining has incorporated many techniques from other domain fields like machine learning, statistics, information retrieval, data warehouse, pattern recognition, algorithms, and high-performance computing.
Data mining - Wikipedia
Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems. [1]
What Is Data Mining? How It Works, Benefits, Techniques, and …
2024年2月23日 · Data mining programs break down patterns and connections in data based on what information users request or provide. Social media companies use data mining techniques to commodify...
What is Data Mining? Key Techniques & Examples - Qlik
Data mining is the process of using statistical analysis and machine learning to discover hidden patterns, correlations, and anomalies within large datasets.
What is Data Mining? - IBM
2024年6月28日 · Data mining is the overall process of identifying patterns and extracting useful insights from big data sets. This can be used to evaluate both structured and unstructured data to identify new information and is commonly used to analyze consumer behaviors for …
What Is Data Mining? A Beginner’s Guide - Caltech
2024年2月21日 · Data mining, sometimes called Knowledge Discovery in Data, or KDD, is the process of analyzing vast amounts of datasets and information, extracting (or “mining”) valuable intelligence that helps enterprises and organizations predict trends, solve problems, mitigate risks and discover new opportunities.
Data Mining: The Process, Types, Techniques, Tools, and Best
2024年2月2日 · Guided by the principles of science and technology, data mining is a strategic process designed to uncover patterns, correlations, and trends beneath the informational surface. In this...
What is data mining? | Definition from TechTarget
Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships that can help solve business problems through data analysis. Data mining techniques and tools help enterprises to predict future trends and make more informed business decisions.
Data Mining: What it is and why it matters | SAS
Data mining is the process of finding anomalies, patterns and correlations within large data sets to predict outcomes. Using a broad range of techniques, you can use this information to increase revenues, cut costs, improve customer relationships, reduce risks and more.
Data mining | Machine Learning, AI & Big Data | Britannica
2024年12月20日 · data mining, in computer science, the process of discovering interesting and useful patterns and relationships in large volumes of data. The field combines tools from statistics and artificial intelligence (such as neural networks and machine learning) with database management to analyze large digital collections, known as data sets.