- Copilot 答案
- 包含 Catalpa Bignonioides 的结果。是否只需要 Catalpa Bignoniodies 的结果?
美国梓树 - 百度百科
- 紫葳科梓属植物
美国梓树(学名:Catalpa bignonioides Walter)是紫葳科、梓属植物。分枝多,大枝扩展,树冠茂密,呈圆头形;树皮薄,淡褐色。单叶轮生或对生,卵圆形,先端短渐尖,基部楔形至近心形。嫩叶金黄色,后变成橄榄黄色,夏末变成亮绿色。圆锥花序,有多数花,两性;花萼不规则分 … - 分布于美国(阿拉巴马州、佛罗里达州、佐治亚州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州); 中国华北 …
树冠遮荫面积大,花美丽,易形成优势树种。可作行道树、大型园林背景树或景观树,以及作条件不理想环境的绿化材料。 树皮、叶子、蒴果有药用价值。种植在容易发生山体滑坡或侵蚀的土地上,可以稳定土壤。木材可用于制作柱子、栅栏栏杆;也用于室内装饰、橱柜等。
- 紫葳科梓属植物
Catalpa bignonioides - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Catalpa bignonioides - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Catalpa bignonioides, commonly called Southern catalpa, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-40’ (less frequently to 60’) tall with an irregular, broad-rounded crown. It …
Catalpa bignonioides (Southern Catalpa) - Gardenia
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Catalpa | Yale Nature Walk - Yale University
Catalpa bignonioides, commonly called Southern Catalpa, is a deciduous tree native to the Southeastern United States in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. The Southern Catalpa thrives in average, medium-to-wet well …
Catalpa bignonioides - USDA Plants Database
southern catalpa Classification Kingdom Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision Spermatophyta - Seed plants: Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants: …
Catalpa bignonioides - Landscape Plants | Oregon …
bignonioides: like (-oides) Bignonia. It was classified in a “catch all genus”, Bignonia , in the 1700s, which also included the trumpet vine, Bignonia radicans , n ow known as Campsis radicans (Wikipedia) .
Catalpa bignonioides | Indian bean tree Trees/RHS
Catalpa are deciduous trees of spreading habit, with handsome, large leaves and erect panicles of showy, bell-shaped flowers in late summer, followed by persistent, slender bean-like seed capsules. Name status. Correct. Plant …
Catalpa bignonioides - Trees and Shrubs Online
Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana' as a solitary street tree in suburban Vancouver, Canada (June 2023). Without pollarding it has formed a great heap of dense twiggy branches. Image John Grimshaw.
Catalpa Bignoniodies 的相关搜索
- 包含 Catalpa Bignonioides 的结果。是否只需要 Catalpa Bignoniodies 的结果?