Populus nigra - Wikipedia
Populus nigra, the black poplar, is a species of cottonwood poplar, the type species of section Aigeiros of the genus Populus, native to Europe, southwest and central Asia, and northwest Africa. [2] Black poplars are medium- to large-sized deciduous trees, reaching 20–30 m, …
Populus nigra (Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar) | North Carolina ...
Black Poplar, also known as Lombardy Poplar, has many landscape problems. While it is fast-growing and has a distinctively narrow form, it is short-lived and therefore best planted as a windbreak away from most landscapes. It is native to Europe, northwestern Africa, and …
Black Poplar (Populus nigra) - British Trees - Woodland Trust
Black poplar is the food plant for the caterpillars of many moths, including the hornet, wood leopard, poplar hawk and figure of eight. The catkins provide an early source of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects, and the seeds are eaten by birds. Black poplar is becoming increasingly rare.
Black Poplar | Populus nigra - tree guide
The Black Poplar is botanically called Populus nigra. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be up to 30 m (99 ft) high. The leaves are triangular and the flowers are reddish. The tree likes Sun to half-shade at the location and the soil should be sandy to loamy to strong loamy.
黑杨 - 百度百科
黑杨(Populus nigra),为乔木,高30米;树冠阔椭圆形。 树皮暗灰色,老时沟裂。 小枝圆形,淡黄色,无毛。 芽长卵形,富粘质,赤褐色,花芽先端向外弯曲。 花期4-5月,果期6月。 黑杨天然生长在河岸、河湾,少在沿岸沙丘。 常成带状或片林。 抗寒,喜光,不耐盐碱,不耐干旱,在冲积沙质土上生长良好。 产中国新疆(额尔齐斯河和乌伦古河流域),在中国北方和北亚等地都有分布。 黑杨树冠圆柱状,树形高耸挺拔,姿态优美;可丛植、列植于草坪、广场、学校 …
Black Poplar Wood – Forestry.com
2023年9月12日 · Black Poplar wood, scientifically known as Populus nigra, is a versatile hardwood prized for its exceptional qualities and extensive applications. Native to Europe and Asia, this timber has enchanted craftsmen, builders, and artisans for centuries.
Populus nigra — black poplar - Go Botany
Black poplar (aka Lombardy poplar) is introduced into the U. S. from the Mediterranean region. It has an unusual, columnar growth form, attaining heights of 60 feet (20 m), which makes it a popular choice for windbreaks and borders. The leaves are diamond-shaped and shiny, with serrated edges; they turn yellow in the fall.
Black Poplar | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Black Poplar (Populus nigra) Common Name(s): Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar, Mappa burl. Scientific Name: Populus nigra. Distribution: Europe, western Asia, Northern Africa; planted as an ornamental in North America. Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 24 lbs/ft 3 (385 kg/m 3)
Complete Guide to Black Poplar Trees - BBC Gardeners World …
2024年1月4日 · The black poplar (Populus nigra) is a large deciduous tree with a rounded crown, fissured bark and many burrs growing up the trunk. A member of the Salicaceae or willow family, the black poplar tree can grow to 40m in height and live for up to 200 years.
Populus nigra (black poplar) | CABI Compendium - CABI Digital …
2023年11月27日 · Populus nigra (black poplar) is a fast-growing tree utilized for afforestation and as an ornamental in all the temperate areas of the world. It is also utilized in breeding programmes as a parent, because it is compatible with many other Populus species.