Biologicals - World Health Organization (WHO)
2025年1月12日 · There are numerous other biological therapeutics, such as insulin used in the treatment of diabetes, interferons for viral infections and cancer therapy, monoclonal antibodies that are also used in the treatment of some cancers or autoimmune diseases. This class of agent also includes stem cells and some gene therapies.
(including products derived from rDNA), biological diagnostic reagents for in vivo use and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) used for example in gene therapy and cell therapy. For human whole blood, blood components and plasma-derived products for therapeutic use separate comprehensive WHO guidance is available
Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) was established in 1947 to provide detailed recommendations and guidelines for the manufacturing, licensing and control of blood products and related in vitro diagnostic tests, biotechnology products and vaccines along with the establishment of WHO Biological Reference Materials.
Guidelines for thromboplastins and plasma used to control oral ...
2013年10月30日 · The purpose of these Guidelines, which replace the Requirements published in the forty-eighth report of the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (2), now discontinued, is to take account of the above-mentioned observations and to describe in detail the technical methods currently in use. Modifications to the methodology may give ...
Radiation and health - World Health Organization (WHO)
2023年7月7日 · Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or moving subatomic particles. Natural radiation comes from many naturally occurring radioactive materials found in soil, water, air and in the body.
Mental health - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年6月17日 · Individual psychological and biological factors such as emotional skills, substance use and genetics can make people more vulnerable to mental health problems. Exposure to unfavourable social, economic, geopolitical and environmental circumstances – including poverty, violence, inequality and environmental deprivation – also increases ...
Rehabilitation - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年4月22日 · Rehabilitation is a set of interventions needed when a person is experiencing or is likely to experience limitations in everyday functioning due to ageing or a health condition, including chronic diseases or disorders, injuries or traumas.
Ionizing radiation and health effects - World Health Organization …
2023年7月27日 · WHO fact sheet on ionizing radiation, health effects and protective measures: includes key facts, definition, sources, type of exposure, health effects, nuclear emergencies, WHO response.
33rd report: WHO TRS N°687: 1982 - World Health Organization …
The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization met in Geneva from 21 to 27 September 1982. The meeting was opened on behalf of the Director-General by Dr. B. Sankaran, Director of the Division of Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Technology.
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization: WHO TRS …
2012年1月18日 · Overview . The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization met in Geneva from 17 to 21 October 2011. The meeting was opened on behalf of the DirectorGeneral by Dr Carissa Etienne, Assistant Director-General of the Health Systems and Services cluster.