Azande people - Wikipedia
The Azande are an ethnic group in Central Africa speaking the Zande languages (whose classification is uncertain). They live in the south-eastern part of the Central African Republic, the north-eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the south-central and south-western parts of South Sudan. [2] [3] The Congolese Azande live in Orientale Province along the Uele River; Isiro ...
AFRICA | 101 Last Tribes - Mundu people
The Mundu are said to have migrated together with other Sudanic groups from Central Africa Republic and settled in their present place in the 18th century. They have had conflict with the Azande. Tradition has it that on his deathbed Gbudwe sent his army to kill and behead the Mundu king and to have the head buried with him.
THE Azande are a Central African ethnic complex to which some fifty different peoples, speaking Sudanic, Bantu, Nilotic, and Nilo-Hamitic languages, have con-tributed.' This was brought about by the migrations and conquests of the Ambomu people, under their Vongara ruling family, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
阿赞德人 - 百度百科
阿赞德人社会是孤立性的,一个家庭男子和他的妻子或妻子们按一定的社会规范和惯例组成。 按传统,聘礼是20支长矛。 作为一种方便的安排,两个男人可能娶对方的姐妹,这可能是阿赞德人特有的婚姻制度。 男人开始为未来的新娘准备聘礼时,她可能还是个婴儿。 按传统,为防止孕妇流产,在怀孕期间不会吃某些食物。 孩子出生后他们也不举行什么庆礼。 然而,四天之后,婴儿的脐带已减少,他们会在门前用树叶生一堆火,母亲怀里抱着孩子在烟里坐约半小时。 这意味 …
Balanda-Azande intercommunal violence in 2021 that displaced close to eighty thousand people. They warned that the restoration of the Azande Kingdom would fur-ther disturb the fragile peace of South Sudan (UNMISS 2021). Yet from the outset, Zande leaders were quick to stress that unlike the former Zande kingdoms, the
It is the purpose of this paper to examine this complex, so far as its ethnic composition is concerned, and to analyse its component elements. Several of the early explorers of Zandeland remarked on the great admixture of peoples comprising the population. Junker (1891, pp. 198-9),3 for example, describes "the motley mixture.
“This kingdom will not be like the kingdom (s) in the era of …
A century elapsed before a new institution, the Azande Kingdom, could be reborn with a new monarch at its head. This article draws on ethnographic research and interviews in Yambio, South Sudan, to show that the twenty-first-century Azande Kingdom, established in 2022, is a reinvented monarchy rather than a replica of its nineteenth-century ...
Revisiting the Azande – Open Ethnography
2024年11月16日 · This introduction to a special section, “Revisiting the Azande,” summarizes the historical context and theoretical insights of the classic ethnography Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande, by E. E. Evans-Pritchard.
Revisiting the Azande | HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory: Vol …
This introduction to a special section, “Revisiting the Azande,” summarizes the historical context and theoretical insights of the classic ethnography Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande, by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. It describes developments in Zandeland over the century since the book was written and provides synopses of the ...
Azande: localizacion, historia y costumbres de esta etnia africana
A lo largo de los siglos XVIII y XIX, los azande, que antes había sido un pueblo dedicado principalmente a la caza, conquistó los territorios que actualmente ocupan y fueron transformando su economía basada desde entonces en la agricultura.