These findings reveal an undocumented diversity in the joint structure of alligators and show that crocodylians and birds build novel, kinetic cranial joints differently. This complicates accurate identification of synovial joints and functional inferences of cranial kinesis in fossil archosaurs and tetrapods in general.
了解详细信息:These findings reveal an undocumented diversity in the joint structure of alligators and show that crocodylians and birds build novel, kinetic cranial joints differently. This complicates accurate identification of synovial joints and functional inferences of cranial kinesis in fossil archosaurs and tetrapods in general. work presented here provides insight into the relationship between significant shifts in ankle structure and the remarkable locomotor diversity documented throughout archosaur radiation. 3D ankle mobility in this clade appears to originate from the ability to modulate joint contributions across the network of bones and joints—both ... a case study, we measured nearly 600,000 poses from the hindlimb joints of the Helmeted Guineafowl and American alligator, which represent an extant phylogenetic bracket for the archosaurian ancestor and its pseudosuchian (crocodilian line) and ornithodiran (bird line) descendants. alligator joints. Second, although both animals’ hip joints remain abducted during locomotion, these poses are biased toward the more adducted side of their ROM envelopes, particularly during the weight-bearing stance phase. Finally, all hinge-like joints studied (knees of both species and guineafowl ankle) are biased toward abduction ... studies of terrestrial locomotion among full-size adult alligators could give further insights into how animals with non-parasagittal limb posture modulate limb joint angles, joint moments and limb force distribution as they increase mass and change in body proportions and inertial properties.…Joint histology in Alligator mississippiensis challenges the ...
2017年3月29日 · These findings reveal an undocumented diversity in the joint structure of alligators and show that crocodylians and birds build novel, kinetic cranial joints differently. This complicates accurate identification of synovial joints and functional inferences of cranial …
- 作者: Alida M. Bailleul, Casey M. Holliday
- Publish Year: 2017
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Ontogenetic changes in limb posture, kinematics, forces and join…
Here, we used juvenile to subadult American alligators (total length 0.46-1.27 m, body mass 0.3-5.6 kg) and examined their limb kinematics, force…
Inner workings of the alligator ankle reveal the mechanistic origins …
The work presented here provides insight into the relationship between significant shifts in ankle structure and the remarkable locomotor diversity documented throughout archosaur radiation. 3D ankle mobility in this clade appears to originate from the ability to modulate joint contributions …
A new role for joint mobility in reconstructing …
2021年2月8日 · As a case study, we measured nearly 600,000 poses from the hindlimb joints of the Helmeted Guineafowl and American alligator, which represent an extant phylogenetic bracket for the archosaurian ancestor and its …
- Alligator Joints in Animals 的研究
in alligator joints. Second, although both animals’ hip joints remain abducted during locomotion, these poses are biased toward the more adducted side of their ROM envelopes, particularly during the weight-bearing stance phase. Finally, all hinge-like joints studied (knees of both …
Ontogenetic changes in limb posture, kinematics, forces and joint ...
2021年12月3日 · Future studies of terrestrial locomotion among full-size adult alligators could give further insights into how animals with non-parasagittal limb posture modulate limb joint angles, joint moments and limb force distribution as they increase mass and change in body …
subadult American alligators (total length 0.46–1.27 m, body mass 0.3–5.6 kg) and examined their limb kinematics, forces, joint moments and center of mass (CoM) to test for ontogenetic shifts in
Alligator mississippiensis sternal and shoulder girdle …
2018年11月20日 · Alligator shoulder girdle anatomy. (A) Lateroventral view of the shoulder girdle and right forelimb of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). (B) Cranio-dorsal view of the dorsal aspect of the …
Three-dimensional skeletal kinematics of the shoulder girdle and ...
In this study, we employed manual markerless XROMM (X-ray Reconstruction Of Moving Morphology) to measure detailed 3-D kinematics of the shoulder girdle and forelimb bones of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) walking on a treadmill.
Ontogenetic changes in limb posture, kinematics, forces and joint ...
2021年12月1日 · Here, we used juvenile to subadult American alligators (total length 0.46-1.27 m, body mass 0.3-5.6 kg) and examined their limb kinematics, forces, joint moments and center of mass (CoM) to test for ontogenetic shifts in posture and limb mechanics. Larger alligators …
Hindlimb function in the alligator: integrating movements, motor ...
2005年3月15日 · Alligator hindlimbs show high torsional loads during terrestrial locomotion, in sharp contrast to the bending or axial compressive loads that predominate in animals that use parasagittal limb movements.