Rasboras vs. Tetras (Which Fish Is the Better Choice?)
Sep 22, 2022 · Rasboras like eating brine shrimp and bloodworms, and so do tetras. It’s best to give tetras such treats twice per week. Rasboras should be given meaty treats three times per week, though. Both fish should be fed twice per day. Most people choose to feed the fish in the morning and then once more in the evening after work.
Top 10 Rasboras for Your Next Community Aquarium
Also known as the Sawbwa barb and Asian rummynose tetra (even though it’s not a tetra), this 1.25-inch (3 cm) peaceful schooling fish is perfect for your next community tank. Males are the ones with the bright, red-orange nose, a shiny grayish-blue body, and two red-orange dots on the ends of their forked tail.
Types of Rasboras (11 Best With Pictures!) - Aquarium Store Depot
Dec 21, 2023 · From the ever-popular harlequin rasboras to the tiny dwarf rasboras there’s a species to suit just about any aquarium. In this article, I’ll be introducing 11 great types of rasboras and giving you some great information about their care. Let’s dive right in! What Are Rasboras? Rasboras are freshwater fish from the Cyprinidae family.
Tetras Vs Rasboras - General Discussion - C.A.R.E.
Jul 13, 2021 · My tetras are a bit nippy towards each other and towards my rather docile betta fish. I've heard that rasboras are quieter and less aggressive. Is this true? Hard to make a generic statement like that since there are 100's of tetra species and not quite as many but still plenty of different rasbora.
Types of Rasboras - Planted Tank Mates
May 27, 2024 · Emerald Dwarf Rasboras pack a punch with their vertical blue stripes and red-orange fins. They can get up to 1.5” in size and are a great contrast with more solid color fish like Ember Tetras. Unlike most rasboras that prefer softer, acidic water parameters, Emerald Dwarf Rasboras require alkaline water conditions.
Albino Cardinal Tetra (Pack of 8 Fish) Live Fish for Aquarium
Jun 25, 2022 · The Albino Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is an uncommon variant of the Cardinal Tetra, one of the most popular schooling community fish. It is very similar to the Cardinal Tetra in appearance, but has a lighter red and blue coloration along with a purple/pink eye
- Reviews: 2
Fish and plant id - General Discussion - C.A.R.E.
Aug 17, 2024 · the catfish is an albino red tail and the unknown rasbora turned out to be a blue tetra.
TETRAS & RASBORAS - Nature Aquariums
Congo Tetra Albino 4 Cm. Buy 10 or more & get 20% off. $20.95 Harlequin Rasbora 3.0+ Cm. Buy 10 or more & get 20% off. $9.95 Brilliant Rummynose Tetra. Buy 10 or more & get 20% off. ... Siamese Dwarf Rasbora. Buy 10 or more & get 20% off. $14.95 Platinum White Neon Tetra. Buy 10 or more & get 20% off. $7.95 Lemon Tetra. Buy 10 or more & get 20% ...
Rasbora VS Tetra – Aquarium Fish Comparison – NageoireBleue
Nov 12, 2023 · Learn about the differences between Rasbora and Tetra to choose the perfect companion for your aquarium. Information and advice from us.
Albino Buenos Aires Tetra - Seahorse Aquariums
The Albino Buenos Aires Tetra (*Hyphessobrycon anisitsi*) is a captivating freshwater fish known for its striking albino colouration and lively behaviour. This species is particularly appreciated in the aquarium hobby for its eye-catching appearance, with a pale body and vibrant red or orange eyes, making it a beautiful addition to community tanks.