Emergency Manual Fuel Door Release (video) | Hyundai Forums
2013年7月14日 · Think the op is talking about if the "normal" fuel door release doesn't work. The emergency release is located in the very rear driver side of the cargo area. It's not located "behind" the fuel door. Would have taken a pic if I had my phone with me.
Fuel Door / Lid Wont Open Easily. Gets Stuck | Hyundai Forums
2014年12月29日 · IF it is a Santa Fe Sport, or at least a SF, there is an emergency release inside the back in the cargo area. Same side as the filler opening, open the back hatch and look on the left side. There is a door there with a manual release inside. If you have the owners manual look on page 4-38 and you will see a pic of the hatch and release.
Fuel door won’t open | Hyundai Forums
2024年9月11日 · 2021 hyundai santa fe auto-unlock fuel door Jump to Latest 1.8K views 7 replies 7 participants last post by mlhuckins Sep 14, 2024
Fuel door actuator - Hyundai Forums
2017年12月28日 · I have a 2014 Santa fe sport and the fuel door actuator died. We couldn't even get the fuel door open with the manual release. Finally after using a big screwdriver and some gentle pulling,we were able to get the door open but we broke the finger on the actuator that was jammed. I have the replacement part. Does anyone know how to gain access ...
Fuel door release problem - Hyundai Forums
2012年4月25日 · If anyone need a brand new OPENER ASSEMBLY - FUEL FILLER DOOR (GAS TANK DOOR) 95720-3K000 just let me know. You can have it for $55 + free shipping. If you live in Arizona I can deliver it for you. In my case the problem was the Switch that's on the driver's door right underneath the Trunk Release Switch.
Gas door lever rusted and broke off - Hyundai Forums
2019年7月19日 · I moved the carpet out of the way further by removing the left panel under the hood release, and I could see the bolt. I removed the bolt and slid the broken part out. I'm now just using the remaining part of the leaver as a pull cord as I can't see replacing the part a good idea, and it also seems that it would be a next to impossible job re ...
Fuel Door Won't Open - Hyundai Forums
2015年2月23日 · After I got the door open (pulled the manual release and used a flexible piece of plastic), I found that the actuator pin snapped off. When the actuator is pulled back manually, or the solenoid activate,s the pin remains in the door latch due to the spring mechanism.
Fuel door release problem | Page 3 | Hyundai Forums
2014年4月14日 · I have a 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe and I didn't know how common this problem was until now, thanks to you guys I fixed the problem by cleaning the switch in the door. theres also a emergency release for the door in the back inside the car behind the door just like this post says. theres a really good video on youtube that shows all this steps in ...
2022 Sante Fe Fuel Door Stuck - Hyundai Forums
2023年10月28日 · Their might be an emergency release in the trunk area on the side by the fuel door. Similar to the charge door emergency release. But not 100% sure. a panel similar to the one to the left of the compartment on the gas door side.
Fuel tank door won't open - Hyundai Forums
2022年9月21日 · Yes I have 2022Tucson Hybrid. July 3rd 2023 went to get gas. Won't open. Out of car until July 22. Had a rental. I'm asking for reimbursement. Also Girl at dealership said I was #2 customer in one week other was a Sante Fe Also a coworker with. Mercedes SUV same thing. Everyone uses the same push buttons the fuel cap door