Service (economics) - Wikipedia
Using resources, skill, ingenuity, and experience, service providers benefit service consumers. Services may be defined as intangible acts or performances whereby the service provider provides value to the customer. Services have three key characteristics: [2] Services are by definition intangible. They are not manufactured, transported or stocked.
Service economy - Wikipedia
The service economy in developing countries is mostly concentrated in financial services, hospitality, retail, health, human services, information technology and education. Products today have a higher service component than in previous decades.
服务经济学 - MBA智库百科
服务经济学:是研究在 服务产品 的生产和流通过程中,发生的人与人之间的 经济关系 及其规律的学科。 服务 是一个极为广泛的概念,服务经济学研究的对象和范围,是生产和经营服务产品的 服务业 的经济活动。 服务经济学是一门新兴学科。 从20世纪30年代,英国经济学家 费希尔 在《安全与进步的冲突》一书中提出“ 第三产业 ”的概念以后,人们开始对第三产业进行理论研究。 第三产业又称服务产业,所以也是对服务经济理论研究的开始。 服务经济学是一门 部门经济学。 …
Service (economics) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
In economics and marketing, a service is an economic activity (e.g., labor) offered as a product. Although a service (i.e., the activity) is a non-material good, the result it produces may be a material good depending on the service.
The Service Economy | NBER - National Bureau of Economic …
Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals.
Service Sector: Place in Economy, Definition and Examples - Investopedia
2022年3月29日 · The service sector, also known as the tertiary sector, is the third tier in the three-sector economy. Instead of product production, this sector produces services maintenance and repairs,...
服务经济 - 百度百科
服务经济(Service Economy)是以人力资本基本生产要素形成的经济结构、增长方式和社会形态。 在服务经济时代,人力资本成为基本要素,土地和机器的重要性都大大下降了,人力资本成为经济增长的主要来源。
服务经济学 - sklib.cn
《服务经济学》是在对外已有的服务经济(或称第三产业经济)理论进行梳理、总结、提炼和创新的研究成果。 目标是在继续加强基本理论和基本知识的基础上,结合中国实际,充分反映近 …
Service | economics | Britannica
Services include a broad range of items including telephone and utility service, legal and financial services, and travel and lodging services. Nondurable goods include food and other immediately perishable items (sometimes called “strictly nondurable goods”) as …
The rise of the service economy | FRED Blog - Federal Reserve …
2018年8月30日 · One constant throughout economic history is that, as an economy develops, its service sector keeps growing. The graph shows that this is certainly true for the United States. It divides nonfarm payrolls into three categories: government (at all levels), goods-producing industries (mining, manufacturing, construction…), and service-providing ...